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01 October 2008

Youth Group!

I went to Youth Group. Again. Ah, it was great.

Rusty (about another youth): "Yeah, she likes to hide from me."
Me: "Don't we all."
He proceeded to give me a strange look, and I burst into laughter. Yeah, it was great.

Then, I felt kinda left out again, so I exited, sat in my favorite spot, and listened to Peter's Testimony from Houston, and part of it from Milwaukee... man, the thing about Congress was pretty funny, even though it wasn't meant to be. :P :P

Then we went inside and ate a cookie cake. Cookie cakes are the best cakes ever! XD

And I'm currently hooked on this song:

:D :D :D


1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I love that song!!

*question* why are you always annoyed at rusty?