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08 December 2010

Revolver 2007...


And I thought Ryan was intimidating before...

He's downright terrifying with eyeliner...

05 December 2010


It's December, finally! Hooway!

Buut that's not why I have called this blob (er... blog) to order.
I had a SQUEEEEEE moment two nights ago.
Yes, it is DH-related.

Firstly, I kindly request you click THIS link. THIS one. Right HERE. <--- any one of those capitalized links can be pressed, they all go to the same place. *ahem* Anyway.

So, we have a Target store here... it's on a big, bustly main road, far from my house but still within driving distance. Friday, for the first time since probably last Christmas, we got a chance to stop at our local Target.
Why? See the link! The brothers Clark have designed Target gift cards! And they're LEGO-based, no less! :D :D

So I scoured the place while still staying with my party of three (ahem, my mother, sister and I). Didn't find ANY. :(
So I tweeted that I wasn't able to find one... but lo and behold, Mom comes out (we had left to the car early, seeing as it was boiling hot in there... ugh!) with the card I'd been looking for! :D

But, I did discover, to my shock and eternal joy... fifteen minutes of Invisible Creature fame!
See the second entry in their Twittersphere section of their site?
I ee-d when I saw it. I literally eeeeeeee-d.

And all for THIS little doggy LEGO creation:
Was it worth it?
I say it certainly was.

CZYA, yo.