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09 October 2008

Youth Group...!

Okay, good news/bad news for me, too.

Bad news: 'Member that Mac battery? It's a battery CHARGER. Humph! Now I'm gonna have to wait longer to get Helmet up. Booo.
Good news: Unlike poor netsirK, my youth group went pretty well. Usually, it's like her youth group last night, falling apart.
But not tonight... God is good!

Let me explain...

First off, if you either don't know or don't remember, my mother drives a school bus for a living. Yesterday, she was dropping off a bunch of middle school kids (whom had been giving her problems), and one of their mothers sat waiting. Long story short, the confrontation didn't end well. I screened out the last few minutes, but I knew it didn't end well.

Especially after she got home. She thought I wasn't going to youth group, but I had changed my mind after I had to get off the bus early... with my little sister... against my will. So she asked me to feed the dogs. I reacted negatively, and Ma decided to scream at me. Por que? It NEVER settles well with me.
Once again, I came to youth in tears. Now Rusty has turned into an emotion detector (XD :P), and compensates for it with a sensitive side. Yeah, that's the THIRD time he's been sensitive! I feel kinda proud of myself. :P
He gave me such a TIGHT hug... I will never forget this. It impacted me more than he knows.

Well, back to what happened.
Rusty has a relatively new Mac of his own (POR QUE?!?!?!), and we had to take our photo using it (I haven't yet... SHH! It's a secret!). But that was a sideline.
One of our youth has a girlfriend. Diagnosed with cancer. It hits a softer spot with me now... because of Sara. So anyway, we prayed for him, then we went outside.

We played quite a bit of games.
First was a strange game where we made what the leaders called a "cheerio" and we had to keep this big, red ball moving around inside the cheerio. A person would get tapped, and they had to run around the cheerio, back to their space, without the red ball hitting them. Hey, I succeeded!
Next, we got into a big circle, hooking our arms with a partner. Around the outside of said circle, one guy chases another, and the second guy can hook arms with someone in the circle. Their partner is forced to run. That was pretty fun, too.
Next one was weird... I'll explain it later.
The next one was Capture the Flag. Oh, dude, that was GREAT. SO much better than the lock-in's CTF. Anyway, since it was dark out, we made use of that advantage. First game, we won because the other team went all-out, while we inflitrated their base from the sides. Haha. Then we switched bases and hid our flag in a pretty good place. And the other team thought they won. They grabbed a teammate's shirt! XD

Anyway... it was fun! Something that doesn't happen very often.


PS --
Check the previous post again... ;)


netsirK said...

SO sorry about da Mac battery. :(

And I'm really sorry about your mom yelling at you. At least you got to see a different side of Rustin through that.
Congrats! You've played Capture the Flag the Petersburg youth group way! You know our motto: "If you can see, then it's lame." XD not really. You just need some muskeg to play in now.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Sorry about poor Helmet. Stoopid Helmet. xD Um I LOVE TO PLAY CAPTURE THE FLAG! One time our whole team (of missionaries in ____) and it was kids against adults. KIDS WON WOOHOO!