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18 October 2008


Hai again.
I wanna shout out a thanks to Verja and Hannah for helping me out in the DELICATE situation described in the blog below. If you haven't read it already, I suggest you do it... for good measure.

Both of them deserve the credit of cheering me up and getting me out of my vocal slump. Mainly Verja... I now know that if she EVER met CJ or Rusty, she'd go medieval on their cans (if you know what I mean).
She reminded me that their opinion, no matter what their standpoint on the subject, or how I view them, doesn't matter; God's opinion, however, does. I could have the WORST singing voice ever, but if it has the passion for God, then He doesn't care; He's getting the glory anyway. Who are we to critisize our fellow believers in worship? We should be cheering them on, or better, joining in with them.

And there you have it. :)



~*♥Verja♥*~ said...

That's my Blueh..:)

I don't care about their opinion. AND YES! I would go medieval on their cans!
They need to learn that they can't treat siblings in Christ like that!
It's quite rude, and God wouldn't do that.
I'll bet your voice is beautiful..WAIT! NO! I don't.
I KNOW it's beautiful. It was given to you by God, and everything He works on is BEAUTIFUL. That goes for voices, too.
CJ and UnTrusty need to back away, or join you! In my harsh opinion. But am I right or am I right?

netsirK said...

^ You're right! That summed it up perfectly. Don't care about other people's opinions! Being closed minded is their own loss.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I'm going to read it now...