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24 October 2008

Random: The Blog

The title's weird. :P
Alright, here is the full version of MY chain poem. Remember, I only wrote the first line. The rest of the lines were from different classmates.

Sometimes, I like to write elaborate stories.
And juggle six basketballs at the same time
With my ears
While I'm running
I step on cracks
On the sidewalk, cuz I'm a hobo
Wearing the same shirt for two weeks
No... I am through witt (yeah, it's spelled that way) bisuits now, brb changing shirt (we had this one kid whose continual theme was biscuits. One paper, he wrote down "But he was healed by the magical power of biscuits." lol)
Okay, I'm back, can I have some orange juice now?
No, you can't!
Please with a cherry on top?
Before you're thrown to the jackals.
That carved pumpkins and sang to you
Like on High School Musical
But that music sucks (I added an AMEN! on the end of this line. XD)
Let's get some techno up in here.
Dance party.
Disco balls are cool.
And dancing crazy to loud music
And acting stupid
Because it's fun.



I'm gonna post some more nb pics. Prepare yourself.

Oh, my gosh! Peter's gone mental! Head for the hills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iiiiit's Corey!! I bet he remembers this video, too.

Newsboys: The Spastic Years. XD XD

Nooooo! Don't cage up Peter! He hasn't even dyed his hair yet!!

"All you young fans out there who haven't started to shave yet... don't start."

Jeff's baying at the moon. XD

Plaid Pants Man! XD He looks kinda like a drill sargeant... :O
Peter can be VERY persuasive. XD

Case in point. The power of the drumstick compels you. XD

Okay, I be done.



netsirK said...

Haha! That's awesome. Especially the last part. XD

Yay for biscuits!

Kristen said...

*weeps* The pictures aren't showing! I can't see them! *wails* And they sounded so interesting...

Ha! Sounds like fun poetry! (Give me love, give me liberty--disco!)

CrimeSceneFairy said...

*waves slowly*
I love Pete. :)