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30 March 2009

Rednecks and Fire Extinguishers...

I'll explain the title at the end of the post. ;)

Anyway... today's main blog topic for tonight is...
Family Force 5! Whoo!
*groaning from Skittles, Owan and Guitargirl, cheers from netsirK*
Thank you, thank you...

I am here to address and interpret the spiritual significance of the songs of Family Force 5... just so I can at least try to prove to you they're not all about dancing...
That, and it keeps my mind off you-know-what.

These are the songs I've actually heard, at least once, and therefore can "categorize:"

From Business Up Front/Party In The Back:
Cadillac Phunque
Kountry Gentlemen
Drama Queen
Love Addict
Replace Me
Lose Urself
I Love You To Death
Face Down
Never Let Me Go

From Dance or Die:
Dance or Die
Get Your Back Off The Wall
Rip It Up
How In The World
Party Foul
D-I-E 4 Y-O-U
The First Time
Wake the Dead

Alright, here we go...

Family Force 5 Songs That...

Have NO Spiritual Meaning/Reference to God WHATSOEVER:
Cadillac Phunque
Kountry Gentlemen
Party Foul

Contain INDIRECT References to God/Spiritual Meanings:
Drama Queen
Lose Urself
Get Your Back Off The Wall
Rip It Up
Wake the Dead

Contain SEMI-DIRECT References to God/Spiritual Meanings:
Love Addict
Face Down
Never Let Me Go
Dance or Die
How In The World
The First Time

DIRECTLY Reference God/Have Clear Spiritual Meanings:
Replace Me
I Love You To Death*
D-I-E 4 Y-O-U

* Now... I have to explain why I Love You To Death directly references God... now, I'm very sure this is a misheard lyric, but this misheard lyric is purely why I put it there.
You can look up the lyrics if you'd like, but I'd like it if you would tell me what the real lyric is. ;)

"We'll be together forever, and that's a promise, promise.
Can't live a second without You, got to be honest, honest.
I'm not afraid of the Jesus that I take,
This ain't no test..."

Hey, it makes sense to me! :P

Now... the title... oh, that's a funny story... years and years ago, when my biological parents were together... they were riding down the road in an old VW Beetle... and flames... started firing out the back, where the engine was.
And so the old Beetle got pulled over - by the way, this is an extremely busy street this car decided to blow up on - And before anyone knew it, the fire department they pulled up next to... well, it wasn't needed. Fifteen people came around and sprayed down the flaming car with fire extinguishers they had in their own vehicles... yeah... :P XD


29 March 2009


I haven't blogged in a... while.

I've had at least two come up to me asking about my father... well... let's just say my life is quickly becoming like a soap opera...
I'm learning quite a bit about him and his family from a distance, and quite basically, I keep getting amazed.
The latest piece of amazing news?

I might be a pastor's kid. O.o
I think when I first saw the first hint of that, I think my heart must've lost a couple beats. Goodness, this just seemed so... surreal. And it still seems that way.


*checks pulse*
I'm still alive... somewhat confused and mindblown, but still alive.

And y'know what?
I was really looking forward to showing everyone at church that first letter today.
But then... I ended up sick. Again! >:(
I'm not very happy about it.

And now... I want to switch to a more light-hearted topic...


26 March 2009


Hai, peeps!
Click the caps lock sentence up there.

*ahem* Anyway...
Well, at least we know why Dunny keeps shoving Peter away... it was just a playfight, mate, he didn't mean it! XD
But I have to say... I get it. I see why Pete wants out... and I'm planning on fully honoring his one request - welcome Tait.
Skittles had the right idea all along. Sorreh, Skittles. *hug*

And I did a little math in history class today (XD XD), and I noticed something.
John James sang with the newsboys from 1985 to 1997. And Pete sang between 1997 and 2009. How long are those intervals?
12 years.
Both sang for twelve years.

So what does this mean?
I dunno.
Tait's gonna sing for twelve more years??

I just hope Pete doesn't pull a John James and NEVER SINGS AGAIN. :'( That'd be sad. It's bad enough John doesn't sing anymore... and his voice was fantastic.

Surely, y'all feel the same.
He's like Phil, now - still a newsboy in our hearts. 
Maybe not in Duncan's, but in ours. :)

Let's remember him for things like this:

*pause for gushing*

Who's with me??


25 March 2009


About the aforementioned mind-boggling news...
For one thing, after all the things that have been happening in the past couple of weeks, this was EXTREMELY WELCOME... not to mention a MASSIVE curveball I did not see coming.

For those of you that don't know, for fourteen and a half years, I never knew my biological father. At all.
Yeah... that all changed last night.

This... this is one of the best things on this earth that could have ever have happened to me.
I've been waiting for this for years... I'm a bundle of nerves... a bundle of hyperactive nerves... I'm so happy... :)

You want more info on that? Comment! Because I'm moving on for the moment. :)

Something else.
I got my laptop back last night, too. Dang, Staples works fast!!

Proof that my laptop was serviced. :)
Jess gave me the bracelet you see in the photo - it covers up the phone number they put on there. Surely, you don't want to see it! :P

But the laptop goes back tomorrow... Mom's putting more memory on it. Faster laptop! :D

I now leave you with this:


24 March 2009


Duncan's brain must be addled.
Either that, or he really, really wants to devastate me something terrible.
His last Facebook update was no laughing matter to me.

It's that sudden blow to the gut that no one really wants.

This pretty much tears it. I'm sorry, Skittles, but I'm gonna really gonna need to seperate myself from the nb for a while.
Or rather, whatever this band is now.
They certainly aren't the nb anymore.

The nb are Aussie. At least half Aussie.
This phenomenon is only 25% Aussie, and the original flavor of that Aussie is just barely heard.
The nb was the brainchild of a man who has done a lot for this broken, broken world.
Now he has departed, and his band will likely dissolve without the glue.

I will not buy any album beyond In The Hands of God.

I was just starting to like the idea of Tait as lead, too.
But this... this is just heartbreaking.
But I think what will be more heartbreaking is if Tait goes down in CCM history as the man who destroyed one of the greatest CCM bands.
So long story short, I'm really hoping Tait isn't the demise of this... phenomenon. It'd be so sorely, sorely missed.

But... I can't help but wonder why Duncan is suddenly shunning Peter for.
I mean, I knew those two were rivals, but I thought they were friendly rivals. And this is not friendly, this is... mean. Rude. Outright disrespectful.
I'm sorry, but that's the way I interpret it.

So, yeah.
I still want updates on Pete, but I doubt that's gonna happen in the near future. We might as well live with it. :(

Oh, well.
A tag:

Using only song names from TWO ARTISTS, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's harder than you think.
Artist: nb and Jars of Clay. >:)

Are you male or female?: Scarlet. >:)

Describe yourself: Much Afraid. (It's true. :P)

How do you feel about yourself?: Lesser Things

Describe where you currently live: The Edge of the Water

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Israel

Your best friend is: Unforgetful You

Your favorite color is: Rose Colored Stain Glass Windows (just kidding - this was the closest choice though. XD Look it up! This is a JOC song!)

What's the weather like?: Crazy Times

If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: Spirit Thing. XD

What is life to you?: Boycott Hell. >:D

What is the best advice you have to give?: Be Still (And know He... is God. :) )

If you could change your name, what would it be?: Elle G. Just cuz my name was taken. :P

Your favorite food is: Taste and See. XD XD XD XD

And there you go.

And I'll be sure to tell you guys the mind-boggling news I just got tomorrow. ;)


Bad News

I might not get my laptop back until Thursday, not tomorrow. :(
Because I forgot to give Staples my power cord (that laptop can't hold a battery charge to save itself... almost literally), and the password to get into the user. >:)

I'll give you a hint - It's Duncan's full name.
And that's the hint.
No, I didn't give it away. >:) You're missing crucial details that I will not reveal to you. >:)

So I am sad. :P
And y'know what else??
They said my laptop had scratches on top of it!! O.o Where did they come from??

Somethings for you.

This... is a bright, shiny school bus.
Normal-looking, right??

Well, here's a photo I took a few minutes later of it (it took a couple tries to get it to look like this):

See? No longer as bright, shiny?
Yeah, that's not supposed to happen.
O Tennenbus, O Tennenbus...

It flashed like a Christmas tree! All of the lights! O.o I wish I had video of it... But my cell doesn't support video. >:(

And some more photos for your enjoyment.


23 March 2009



Just so y'all know, my laptop is no longer with me. It is at our local Staples store getting scanned for viruses and hopefully growing faster... but the downside is, I won't have it for two days.
So that means I won't be on Gmail, at ALL. I'll be on Facebook, but only on my cellphone - and not for long, because I don't have the money to be on for a long time. :P
As for Blogger, my school hasn't blocked it yet. >:) Nor has it blocked the Virgin Mobile website. >:) So I'll be able to do stuff on here. WHOO!

Anyway. :) With the exception of Owan (Who just NOW did it. :P), all of you answered. :D Even Smitty - she just didn't comment. ;)

And now I'll put my own twist on the game and answer it myself. Because I'm innovative like that.
Some of these, I'm deleting because in this context, it wouldn't make sense. :P

2: Take a stab at my middle name: I've blogged this before, so of course y'all know. It's the Spanish word for "dove." :)
5: Would I ever go skydiving? I probably would... and not think about the height... :P
7: Am I funny? Well, I like to think that, but I'm not always funny... much like Peter. ;)
8. My best physical feature? I agree with most of ya - I like my hair. :D
9: What's my favorite music? newsboys! RR! A bunch of other people!
10: Can I sing? Again, I like to think that... :P
11: What do I want to do more than anything? Ooh, I like netsirK's answer for this one!! It'd be fun... not to mention interesting... every former newsboy would include Kevin Mills... who is dead... >:)
13: Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they? People say quite a few. And I say I don't have very many.
15: My favorite food? Yes, Pizza. XD :D
16: If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? I'm so glad Bluey stuck so well - I like that nickname. :D
19: Where do you think I will be in 25 years? In 25 years? *uses cellphone calculator* I'll be 39! O.o Hopefully, I'll have done something with myself. :P

So, yeah. :)

I leave you with this (giving proper credit to the original photographer, I didn't delete the text that was already on there):


21 March 2009

A Tag

Oh, lookie.
More tags! How well do YOU know me?!

1: Where you and I met?
2: Take a stab at my middle name:
3: How long have you known me?
4: The last time we saw each other?
5: Would I ever go skydiving?
6: Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
7: Am I funny?
8. My best physical feature?
9: What's my favorite music?
10: Can I sing?
11: What do I want to do more than anything?
12: What is the one thing you think I should do?
13: Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
14: Have you ever hugged me?
15: My favorite food?
16: If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
17: Your favorite memory of me?
18: If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
19: Where do you think I will be in 25 years?
20: Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

So, there.
Go forth and fill out!
I will not post again until you do. ;)

Here is Jody to make sure you comment. :)


20 March 2009


The below blog post was NOT out of lack of blogging topic... though I did lack one. :P

I did that out of anger... no, I'm not deleting it. Let it be known that I am mad at the world.

What is it with tempers?
Why were we born with them?
Why must it be so difficult to control them?
And why must it be worse on one day, and better the next?
You know what I think? Tempers are like mosquitos and cockroaches: created with virtually no purpose other than destruction.

Well... one good thing did come out of that post.
I will now end this post by demonstrating.


19 March 2009



I leave you to contemplate this photo.


18 March 2009

Rapture Ruckus

HAHA! I found possibly the best music video ever on YouTube!

Well... next to VOTA's new video.
Anyway... this is Rapture Ruckus, baby (he seriously makes sure he says that every other song on my live CD. XD).
I apologize about the quality... the best quality is on the Live at World's End DVD... but at least you get to hear the studio recording! The words are much easier to make out than on the live recording I have... it's frustrating, but I still love it.

I can't believe I missed his North American tour. :( He rocks! I also wish I had the lyrics... does he ever release lyrics, Smitty? I have no idea...

And in case you're wondering, the song ("Lose Control") is about setting up a live show... soundcheck, heading backstage, drawing up the setlist... it's cool, actually.
But it's my favorite. Maybe because of the tune... it's unique-sounding. :)
And as for liking the video... maybe it's the way he moves, dances... what? It's entertaining. He bends all the way over during the chorus of the live version! Like, in half! XD
Remember, the video starts with Brad (RR's real name. ;) ) cockin' his head... so let's all cock our heads... XD

(this is a very recent photo of my desktop. :) )

Can you tell I miss the nb's "old flavor?" I'm listening to Kiwi rap, of course I miss it! :P
But RR is a flavor within himself... his live performance is nothing short of exhilerating and amazing (Live at World's End DVD. ;) )... and Smitty even said they pulled a nb stunt this year at Parachute. :)

So, yeah. :)


17 March 2009


I have come to a decision, based on Skittles' turn to the dark side.

I think I will remove myself from the current newsboys situation... and resort to loving the good old days.
Y'know... the good old days?

Yeah... those were the days...
Was Peter twenty in this photo?? Or still nineteen? Hmm...

Most likely still nineteen. XD

I'll answer some questions about my new banner. :) And subsequently answer one possible question for that above photo. :P

In the banner...
Of the four newsboys there, the one on the faaaar left is Mr. Terminator... also known as Sean Taylor.

"I sleep in peace."

And we all know the next one over is Johnny James.
But the one inbetween him and Pete... that's one of the many, many guitarists that came and went during the early years. This lucky dude's name is Jonathan Geange... he was eighteen at the time... and a KIWI!
If I recall correctly, Peter actually told the story of why he left... on the nb boards...

And then... there's the Furler man. Yeah.
As for what's in his hand... might be some sort of champagne glass. I dunno how else to say it. But that glass might explain why he's given his buddy Jibba (that was JG's nickname, btw) the bunny ears.

And as for the first photo... first John, then Sean, then George Perdikis - Peter's old friend and the guitarist that wrote songs but didn't perform them in the end - and then, Peter. Big old grin on his face, too.
Had no clue where life was gonna take him.

Well, look at him now. :)

So back to my decision. Yes, I'll still be following Dunny on Twitter and have him as a friend on Facebook. I didn't say I was gonna stop supporting the guys. Maybe stop supporting them financially, but still...
And when I'm ready to return to being "in the nb loop," I'll ask what I missed. Don't tell me anything until I'm ready, see?
And if you don't like my decision...



Guess What?

Another tag! :P
Dang, I have nothing to blog about, otherwise... Oh, yeah, the new banner. :) I'll explain that after this.

How much of my teen life have I messed up?? :P
Remember, I'm in public school. Lucky me. :P

[ x ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum (Ew, gum).
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.

Total thus far: 1

[ ] Arrived late to class more than five times.
[ x ] Didn't do homework over five times (that was back in elementary school... XD)
[ ] Turned in at least 3 projects in late.
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.

Total thus far: 2

[ ] Got your mom, dad or someone else to get you out of school.
[ ] Texted during class.
[ ] Passed notes.
[ ] Threw stuff across the room.
[ ] Laughed at the teacher (I only laugh at a teacher when he knows he made a mistake. :P)

Total thus far: 2

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[ x ] Went on myspace, Facebook, Xanga, etc. on the computer (if Rhapsody counts... :P)
[ x ] Took pictures during school hours (only at lunch... XD).
[ ] Called someone during school hours.
[ x ] Listened to an iPod, CD, etc. during class.

Total thus far: 5

[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[ ] Broke dress code.
[ ] Failed a class.
[ x ] Ate food during class.

Total thus far: 6

[ x ] Gotten a call from school (my school does this constantly... >:( )
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip because of behavior.
[ x ] Didn't take your stuff to school (only on days that didn't require it... XD)
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger (*GASP*) at a teacher (*DOUBLEGASP*) when they weren't looking.
[ ] Cursed loud enough for a teacher to hear.

Total: 8

[ x ] Faked your parents signature (elementary school... evil, evil time...)
[ x ] Slept in class (just yesterday... XD)
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[ ] Copied homework

Total: 10

Multiplied by 3: 30

I screwed up 30% of my teen life!! :( :P

Oh, yes. The banner. :)
That's the nb circa 1990. What a happy time that was. :) The days when the nb got kicks by frustrating critics with sub-par songs... that I like. :D XD
And when John sang lead... good times... good times... :D


Edit... Sing it with me!
Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Taste and see, He's so good for you!
LOVE THAT SONG! *goes to look for it on iPod*

16 March 2009


I'm bored. And recovering from sickness.
So here's a tag. :)


What is your salad dressing of choice? O.o

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Pizza. Oh, wait a minute... I already do that. XD

What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepperoni! Especially crispy pepperoni. :D

What do you like to put on your toast? Toast? I know not of this toast of which you speak.

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? o.O

Do you like pulpy orange juice? Who said I liked OJ at all??


How many televisions are in your house? 6... >:(

Do you own a digital camera? Yeeeaaahhhhh... no.

How many email addresses do you have? 3. AOL, Yahoo, and Gmail.

How much time do you spend on the internet each day? I always lose count. :P

Do you always answer your phone? It'd be a miracle if I DID answer!

What color cell phone do you have? it's red... AND BLACK!! :D

It's 4 a.m., and you get a text message? I look at it, and if it's Hannah, then I reply. If not, then I angrily delete it and go back to sleep for another hour and 50 minutes.

Do you have any saved texts? Yessss... too many... :P


Are you right-handed or left-handed? right-handed.

What (if anything) have you had removed from your body? Uhm...

Do you have any tattoos/piercings? Nopez

What is the last heavy item you lifted? Who says I remember these things??

Can you do push ups? Well, yeah, but I dunno how well I can do them.

Can you do a chin up? I'm too much of a weakling.

How many times (if any) have you been knocked unconscious? Hmm... don't remember...


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No t'anks. :)

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Probably. :) Make myself be born a day earlier. :P XD

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Well... if I could get away with it, I'd like to change my last name to Furler... XD Nah, I probably wouldn't.

If you could change your eye color, what would it be? Either a very green color, a very blue color, or a chocolate brown color. I don't care which. :)

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000? Mayhaps. ;)

Would you be a pirate? Nope...


Season? SUMMAH! And Fallness

Holiday? CHIRPUS!!!!!!!!!!!! *copies Skittles' answer*

Day of the week? Sunday!

Month? September!

Christmas songs? ... Adoration.

Sit-down restaurant? Elizabeth's Pizza. :D


Missing someone? Well, yes...

Mood? Irritable.

Listening to? Random conversation. Wish I had mah iPod on me. XD

Watching? Uhh... the blogger create post page, and... wordpad. :)

Worrying about? Hannah... and this siickness

Current hate right now? NB Boards *copies Skittles' answer*

Are most of the friends in your life right now new or old? Newish... :)

Plans tonight? Nuffin

Sleeping alone tonight? Der, yes.


Have you ever had a pet fish? Quite a few. SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH ROCK!

Have you ever been in a car wreck? None that I 'member.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Mayhaps...

Have you ever been given roses? Not that I knowz of...

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? O.o

Have you ever had someone sing to you? I wish.

Have you ever met someone who changed your life? Yes. :)


First place you went this morning? in a car.

What's the last movie you saw? Dun't 'member

Last person you talked to? Jess... and my mother. :P

Last person you hugged? Rusty.

Three things you bought yesterday? Nothing...

Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Well, not yet...

Last person you took a picture of? Don't 'member

When did you last cry? Yesterday, in mid-sickness.

What is the last song to make you cry? Hmm... Goodness, I can't remember...

Held hands with anyone today? Nope


Do you smile often? Yeah... not in photos, though.

What's on your wish list for your birthday? One word: Furler.

How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A few.

Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Depends.

Do you have an accent? I wish!

How will you bring in the New Year? I dunno... another lock-in, I hope. :D

What song represents you? Always... or in the current case of the current situation, Say Goodbye

Does anyone love you? Yes. :D

What songs do you sing in the shower? It depends on what's stuck in my head.

What kind of music did you listen to during your elementary school years? I didn't lissen to too much music in elementary school years. :P

Do you believe in staying close with your exes/prospects? Well...

What is something your friends make fun of you for? Who said they made fun of me? :P


And thus, I finish.


15 March 2009

I Must Rant...

Hai, all. :)

I know Skittles has talked about it quite a bit, I believe it's my turn now...

I've seen both guitargirl and Kiwi both espress desire for an account on the newsboys message boards. Well, believe me, my friends, be glad you're not a member right now.
More and more "haters" have been joining the boards. I mean, one of the "newbies" is called upsetwitnb. >:( Seriously? This is what they've come down to?

Have you seriously lost faith in the nb that much?

I am ashamed of the nb boards right now. Very ashamed. They keep growing more hostile on the subject of Peter exiting, and quite frankly, it makes me want to tear my hair out.
One even said they had lost any respect they had for Peter! Seriously, must you all sink so low as to spit in the faces of the band that has inspired us?? :(
It's sad. It really is.

I was shocked by the news as much as the next nb fan, but really, it's gotta be let go sometime! You can't go boycotting the nb and proverbially slapping their faces forever.

You say how it's unfair that Peter departed without warning.
You say it's unprofessional that they didn't come out with a warning.
Some of you say your respect for the band is gone.
Some of you come up with a bunch of arguements against a conviction of the Holy Spirit.

First of all, Peter's still a newsboy. He didn't say a thing about leaving his band altogether.
Second, I think we should start treating the nb the way we used to treat it - as a ministry. Because it is. Christian bands don't play primarily for profit like the secular ones, they play primarily to win hearts to Christ. The nb are no different.
Third, in my opinion, if you really supported the nb, your respect would still be solid. I may have lost faith in them at one point, but that was before I knew the whole story. That was before any of us knew the whole story. It has to be let go.
And finally, if this is a case of God convicting Peter to leave, I wouldn't dare argue. Who am I to argue with my Creator? Who am I to question his motives? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the "unforgivable sin" identified as blaspheming the Holy Spirit??

There. I'm done.
I'm so glad I let that out.

Please... don't get overboard in your theological debates. ;)


14 March 2009


Something to blog! THANK YOU, GUITARGIRL! :D

:D :D I shall put my iPod Shuffle... on shuffle for this. :)

Artist: Paul Colman Trio
Title: I'll Be With You
What is the very first lyric in the song? I'm afraid, I see nation fighting nation.
Is that lyric significant to you in any way? Well... it fits with today's status, so...
What is the 4th line of the song? And will I stand true until the end?
Does that line make you think of a certain person? Kinda...
What is your favorite lyric in this song? I'm still afraid, keep me steady in my heart.

Artist: Skillet
Title: Say Goodbye
What is the last lyric of the song? Don't say anything tonight if you're gonna say goodbye
Replace the 2nd word of that lyric with the word "potato".: I'm not even gonna put that down, cuz its ridiculous. But hilarious. XD XD
What is the 9th line of the song? Where has all the time gone now?
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street? It'd tell me that the show is finally ending. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest? Wow, toughie. "We both know what we gotta say, not today, because I don't wanna leave this way."

Artist: Jars of Clay
Title: Worlds Apart
What is the chorus of this song? (To love You) Take my world apart. (To need You) I am on my knees. (To love You) Take my world apart. (To need You) Broken on my knees.
If someone you like sang the chorus to you would it be romantic? Kinda.
Replace the 10th word of the song with the word "beast": I am the only one to blame for this, beast it all ends up the same? O.o
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for? A Christian movie, like Fireproof. In fact, this song sounds REALLY appropriate for Fireproof.
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Umm...

Artist: Rapture Ruckus
Title: Got This Feelin'
What if your last name was included in the song title? It wouldn't make sense anyway.
What is the 5th line in the song? I can't answer that one - this album came without lyrics. :P
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial? I bet! I got this feelin' that this product will be a while... O.o
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song? Can't answer that one, either. :(
Why is that your favorite? I wish I had a favorite to it! :P

Artist: Family Force 5
Title: Never Let Me Go
What if the 1st word in the Artist name was replaced with the word "poop": Then both my mother and guitargirl would be laughing their heads off in joy. And I'd be stifling chuckles.
What is the funniest lyric in this song? Strange... no funny lyrics in this FF5 track.
What is the 8th lyric in this song? "YOU!"
What if there was a restaurant named from the 1st and 5th word of that lyric: "Time no?" What? XD
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song? Um... no.

Artist: Rapture Ruckus
Title: Lose Control (LOVE THIS SONG!!)
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song? Okay, ew.
What is the chorus of this song? If you wanna rock, if you wanna roll, if you wanna lose control, then THROW YOUR FISTS IN THE AIR!! Everybody everywhere!
What if your #5 myspace friend called you and sang the chorus to you? Impossible - no one in my myspace has ever heard of RR.
What is the last lyric in the song? Can't say...
Is that the best lyric in the song? Well... since the song is about preparing for a live show...

Artist: tobyMac
Title: What's Goin' Down
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book? Well, if Stephen King was a rapper...
What is the 12th line in this song? Everybody look what's goin' down.
Do you even like that lyric at all? Well...
Do you know all the words to this song? Almost.
What kind of mood does this song put you in? Haaaaaaaappy.

Artist: Jars of Clay
Title: Unforgetful You
Replace the 3rd word in the Title with the word "beaver": Unforgetful You Beaver. What?? What's a you beaver??
What is the 7th line in this song? You never minded calling me a child
Does that lyric bring up any memories? Yes, but not necessarily ones I'd like to talk about. :P
Would this song be good in a fight scene in movie? XD XD No!
What is your favorite lyric in this song? You never minded giving us the stars, and then showing us how blind and unaware of You we are.

Whoo! That's it! :)

Didn't expect those RR ones... Oh, well. :)


13 March 2009



I KNEW FF5 was a good band! I KNEW IT!

I made an awesome discovery yesterday. :D

We all know the newsboys has affected quite a few other CCM bands, including dc Talk, Superchic[k], and Kutless.
Get ready to add FF5 to that list.

I was looking through the Business Up Front/Party In The Back: Diamond Edition's album cover... and I was lookin' at the lyrics (particularly to "Numb.")... and then I read the big ol' paragraph with the heading "Family Force 5 would like to thank these peeps." In other words, the thanks column that every album has. :P

And the paragraph is huge. But it'd be a crime to miss just four little words in that whole paragraph.
I read the whole thing, and I started laughing my head off when I saw the following names:

Huh? Huh?? HUH?!

'Twas a great discovery! :D
Made my day. :)


12 March 2009



So... I've been listening to one song in particular lately... not sure why. But I LOVE singing it! Stop me if you've heard it before...



Your assignment is to guess the original artist. No, it's not Michael W. Smith.
Smitty is exempt because she knows. ;)

I bought the live version (by the ORIGINAL artist) on iTunes on Valentine's Day, because I don't like MWS' version too much. :P
But I LOVE this version... a lot.

I guess I've been liking it a lot because... well, it reminds me just Who is in control. ;)

Another question: what do you guys think of "Mighty to Save?"


P.S... please comment on my last bloggy post. ;)

11 March 2009



I'm... kinda surprised at myself.
I'm taking this much better than I ever thought I would. But I mainly have to attribute that to the clarity given by the "official announcement." :)

Otherwise, I'd be depressed, borderline sick (again) about now.

Yes, I know some of you are not over it yet, and I apologize. :( Poor people. I'd help, but I wouldn't know how to. :(

It could have been worse... with some people, that works. ;) And if it doesn't for you, that's fine.
As for me, I think I need a bit more time before I can really accept Tait as lead... I mean, the man's vocal range is nothing like Pete's... and even though I do like his voice to some extent, it doesn't mean I'd like to hear it lead on newsboys songs.
That's Peter's job.

And that, my friends, was my HONEST OPINION. I'm not ashamed of honesty, and you shouldn't knock me down for it. ;)

I'm honestly over it!
I decided I'd listen to "Presence" for a little bit, then spontaneously went to my radio edit of "Something Beautiful," and managed to finish it. :D

I'm happy with myself, what can I say?

And then I listened to "Isaiah," which was pretty great, actually. :) I KNOW Tait will NEVER top that, because I doubt he's heard of it, honestly.
And it requires a lot of... talking in rhythm, if you will.

And a few other things...

Crapit, some are cut off.
Oh, well. You can always click on the photo. ;)


10 March 2009


My, my.

In Sunday's controversy, I completely forgot about the little secret in my blogroll!

Have you seen it? It's on Skittles' blogroll, too now. "Secret."
Well, I was supposed to reveal it on Sunday. But the big, big blow in the way made it virtually impossible to remember it.
But I remember it now. :)

Now... back to the previous subject of tender meaning to all of us. Now that I've gotten over it, I feel that I can't just let it go now.

I wanted to post this one thing.
I might put it on the blog somewhere... you just never know.


09 March 2009


Sweet, sweet relief! Never felt so good!!

Peter's not "really" leaving the nb... just the concert tours.

Which means unless we really want to adjust to a new sound, no more going to concerts. :P :(

That means... no more drum duels... :'(

Oh, well.
Peter is still working on the studio albums! We should be happy with that. I don't want another booming argument like what happened with the HWAG DVD... PLEASE, people!

Now I don't feel so guilty posting this...

Be glad! He'll still be doing philanthropic work! I think...

But I feel better about it... even before I found the post on Duncan's blog. ;)

And my mind is beginning to wander... I'm having crazy ideas that shouldn't be "fed..."


Six Months

Six months. If the nb in this state survive six months, I'll be amazed.

I have the nagging feeling that this lineup just won't work. It really doesn't look like this will work, at all.

If Peter is there to "supervise," if you will, it still won't make a difference. Peter defines the newsboys; he leaves, he takes the "newsboys" title with him. Simple as that.

I'm drowning myself in different music at this point. Anything to keep me from tears. Anything.

It doesn't make sense to do something this outlandish, but I guess it had to be done.


Why does this feel like my fault??


08 March 2009



Today, I have been hit with news I never thought I'd see. It seems very false, but there is a feeling deep within me that is very real. That feeling is what I'm trying to ignore.

I'd much rather hear the newsboys breaking up than to hear this.

Who came up with the newsboys in the first place? Peter.
Who managed to keep his group together when they first went to America? Peter (assumedly)
Who kept trying and trying to write songs, even when nobody listened to them and they weren't any good until 1992? Peter, mostly!
Who was the one moved to write Shine? Peter!
Who had to move out to the front to be a lead singer? Peter!
Who had to suffer through things such as material comforts (aka, the feeling of being on top of the world when you're really not), marriage problems, bandmate's problems (more specifically, Jody's daughter), the dicso ball incident? Peter.
Who, through such suffering and more, was moved to mature the newsboys' sound? Peter.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

Who has a rumor going around that he's leaving the band?


I am passionately believing this is untrue. I sent Duncan three tweets, one of which asked the pertinent question, and two of which showed him Peter's birthday post.
(Today is Peter's half-birthday, by the way)
Unless Duncan says something (I have a feeling he and the others are in some sort of church situation at the moment) or there is an announcement, I have to assume its untrue. There's nothing backing up the truth in this rumor, so I have to run with that.

I love Peter, I'm no longer ashamed to say that.
I love him and the rest of the newsboys. Just the way they are. But if God wants them to do something outlandish such as this, then who are we to question it?

To be quite honest, I tried to keep myself busy with things that were happening at church. But when there was a lull, I grew more and more depressed, borderline tears.
Then I moved into the room of the service. For ten minutes, I listened to two songs - "Whispers in the Dark" and "I'll Be With You." And taking their meanings to heart and letting the message sink in all over again: God is with us, no matter what.

And then I had Hannah (thank you so much)... I have to give her credit, she helped me through the morning, too. I'm thankful for her right about now.

So, yeah. Hoping this is untrue.


06 March 2009


Guess what?
The admin of JfH himself (John DiBiase) went to see the Join the Tribe tour! Now we have photos of awesome!

When the sentence, "Your uncle dies, that's an act of God" comes back to haunt Peter.

"I'm rich! I'm rich in drumstick skills!"

"I dunno, I dunno, I dunno... Jody, do you know?"

"Now everyone, calm down. There should be more music as soon as the hurricane passes."

Everyone head for the hills! Peter's contracted rabies!

"Jody, you're too early! Wait until Duncan kicks in!"

"Hey! You! Where's my meat pie?!"

Dude... Jody's hair ... it looks... amazing... it looks the best I've ever seen it... *tries not to drool*



05 March 2009



Life is... out to get me now.
Well... my sister has a high fever... not good... Usually, she gets biennial (at the very least) 101 F fevers, but this one spiked to about 104 F this morning... last time it spiked around this high, she had a seizure. But that was years ago.

So I dunno what's gonna happen to her.

And Hannah and I had a bit of a misunderstanding last night... I was so sure we were done. But I'm glad it's all good. :)

But enough sadness for one blog post... I need something to cheer meh up...

I'm sure y'all can guess what this references. ;)



04 March 2009

Gotta Love Eventful Mornings

Oh, hai.

I had an eventful morning! Don'tcha just love those? :)

Well... first of all, we had yet another accident here in the accident capital of North Carolina. And this one was... pretty bad, actually.

See what I mean?!
The freakin' car's on its freakin' side!!


And if it weren't for the bus' windshield wiper, you'd be able to see the other car involved... not as badly beaten up as the one on its side.
Dunno the current status on 'em. We're thinking the sideways wonder is... totaled. We heard the dude inside was okay, but stuck inside. Hope he got out.

And something else happened. Something much more... exciting, but less eventful.

I was listening to Kountry Gentlemen while I was alone on the bus this morning (this was at least an hour and a half after the accident)... and I went CRAZY... my feet went EVERYWHERE.
I was having a BLAST. I made it hot in that place! Too bad no one else was there. :P



03 March 2009


A WARNING TO MY REGULAR BLOG VIEWERS... this isn't a normal blog post... this is directly addressing DUNCAN.
It's his birthday, I want it to be special.
Thank you and have a nice day.



How old are you now? 24? ;)

I believe I speak for all of us when I say we're really loving your decision to reconnect with us! And if not, oh well! I still think what you're doing is great. Please don't stop!

Unless we get too psycho for your taste, then by all means.

But seriously, thank you. I don't think very many other bands would have any one of their members go this far to connect with fans. We knew the nb was a special group. ;)

Anyway... I did make you a little something... this is something I do in my spare time, and while it isn't much, I thought, "Why not?"

Here it is.

Like I said, it's not much.
And really, I wanted to add another gift onto that, but... why not? The simple things - strange or relatively normal - seem to touch the most.

So, yeah.
Hope you have a great day.

And everyone else, too. XD


02 March 2009



Wish I had something good for her. :( I'm so bad. :P

Good thing about today - WE'S ON TWO HOUR DELAY, WHOOOOOOOO!
And that means-eth that we go to school two hours later than we usually do. But it ends at the normal time. >:)

What a cool pre-Dunny's birthday present THAT was!
We were supposed to get snow agin. :P

But no snow. :(

I needs something to cheer meh up.


Yeah, you're in "severe drought" alright.


Yeah, I'd say that's kinda bad.
