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31 July 2008


Ai, let's see... I actually got myself wrenched away from the computer. Poor Phika was not happy with the limits I set on myself, but as I told her, it has to be done.

So, my day has been better... kinda. I'm really hoping something will come out of all this... this addiction is hard to break. But I will perservere (hopefully).
My main goal is to unknowingly spend whole days away from the computer... much to the chagrin of netsirK, Phika... and Jess. ;)

My day...
I ended up turning to one of my notepads... drawing a snow leapord, a potted tree sapling, a couple of ideas for my youth group's new "identity," a lillypad... yeah. I'd show you them, but as I've told netsirK, my scanner has been MIA for years.

Uninteresting. Figures.


30 July 2008


Okies... feel free to ignore this; it wouldn't hurt my feelings. Right now, I'm just venting. I'm so mad.

My time at youth group could've been a lot better. But I'm convinced I had this coming, anyway...

Our youth group begins around 6:30 now, which is a step up from the original 7:00 start time. That fact is where ALL the trouble began...
I wanted my grandparents to take me at 6 sharp, but they claimed that it was too early for them to get ready. I, naturally, got angry and seriously considered not going. In fact, minutes before I had to go, I had my mind set on not going, but my mom yelling at me... it was too much for me to take, so I went.

For the first few minutes, I was completely miserable. Somehow, I knew I was gonna regret coming in the first place. And in the long run, I did. But more about that later.

The only highlight of tonight's session was when Rusty noticed me when I finally came in (after a couple minutes of awkward loneliness), and asked me what was wrong. The trigger was pulled; I started tearing up again.
Rusty, after a couple seconds, led me back outside, and he tried to get something out of me... which never works with me. Then, the best part... all this pent-up emotion actually wrung out Rusty's sensitive side (which I had only seen once before; when I learned that my friend Sara had died), and I seized the opportunity to get a nice, long hug with that mate... that's all I really wanted. There!! I said it! That's one for the history books. I'm never saying that again, so savor the moment.

And after our prayer time, it went downhill from there... I was left feeling like I wasn't an asset to the group... which is not unusual at all. But that's my own fault... old habits die hard. Old habits of being shy, reserved, prefering to be in a secluded spot with something to keep me distracted... yeah.
And do they do anything? No. They barely awknowledge that I exist.

Which is why I'm on the internet so often. I have friends here that value me. I don't feel like an awkward fool (though I do think I'm turning into a jerk...), I'm not pushed away and ignored. Very thankful to have my internet friends... they actually have a little something called EMPATHY and SYMPATHY. It does good things to the outcast. People tend to think that outcasts don't need sympathy and empathy. THEY DO.
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of my youth group... but more importantly, I'm sick and tired of myself... for not doing anything about it.

End Rant.


It's Wednesday... so one can expect I'll be talking about what happened tonight. But hey, it's like 20 til 6 AM right now. Haven't been sleeping all that well this time. Dangit. I hate it when I can't get to sleep.
But that's not what I was going to talk about.

I got something called Skype... and it truly rocks. For the most part, it's free. Kinda. I'm using only the free parts of it.
Yesterday, Phika and I had this 2 hour long conversation... we covered subjects like Miley Cyrus, M*A*S*H, North Korea blowing up (hahaha), if Obama became president (my Sweet 16 would be with a bunch of rocks), our iPods and the like, newsboys (of course), Rusty, my cellphone, time zones... you get the idea.
One highlight of our conversation (Phika, don't kill me):

Phika: im gonna unsubscribe to Mileymandy
Meh: Good thinkin'.
Phika: bluey! bluey! you heard about miley and mandy, they're youtube videos, all the shibang about that?
Meh: Yes. Yes.
Phika: I dunno if you read their channel. Lookie:
Interests and Hobbies: We both love singing, dancing, and acting and it is such a blessing to be able to share these similarities! We love making people laugh and that is why the Miley and Mandy show is so important to us! We also enjoy writing songs, shopping, watching movies, being together, And more than anything praising Jesus Christ!
Meh: My goodness. Really?
Phika: Yeah, really. And this is their favorite books:
Books: Captivating. Wild at Heart. Einstein. Any books by James Patterson. My Little Prince. And of course, the how-to guide for life.... THE HOLY BIBLE.
Meh: Why doesn't Miley write songs about that??
Phika: I KNOW!
Phika: Me and my cousin Aaron, the 11 year old one who cusses, went to see the 3D movie. You shoulda seen the line. It wasn't even funny... ok, it was.
Meh: The Hannah Montana 3D movie??
Phika: It was pretty cool, actually.
Meh: Blech. nb needs to release a 3D DVD.
Meh: Whenever a commercial for that 3D movie came on, I always imagine the nb crashing the party singing "Wherever We Go." Haha, that'd be funny.
Phika: The best part of the movie? In the concert, she gets picked up on a bunch of guys' shoulders.
Meh: I can see it now... Peter running out from nowhere, screaming, "WE'RE CRASHING THIS PARTY!!"

Yeah. That brainstorm rocks. It's gearing me up for my next newsboys concert... I'm psyched!!

I guess that's it for now.
I will return later to give you the lowdown on what happened at church. If it's interesting enough.


29 July 2008

It's Blogging Time Again...


My friend netsirK and I were talking on the nb message boards, and we came up with this dodgy, yet fun joke...
I was perusing around this page... old newsboys chats... mainly the two AOL sessions at the very bottom... The second AOL chat, I found this...

John James will take ANYONE in table tennis!

And netsirK was looking for a new sig... I had to show her. So I told her about it... and I added a few things...

This is what it looks like..
John James will take ANYONE in table tennis!
PM this user for details.
So, yah. I like it. Will anyone go for it? Probably not. But I thought it'd be pretty fun anyways.
*is at loss*
Oh, yes.
How 'bout that...
Today is Tuesday.
Which means tomorrow is Wednesday.
Which means I have youth group stuff tomorrow.
No, seriously. I'm happy.
I'm gonna be doing techie stuff. Hooray.
No, seriously.
Anyways, our first techie session was just last Wednesday. We didn't really do much, we just kinda kicked back and relaxed while we were taught the ropes of what our class was gonna be like. In fact, our assignment over the week was to get a Google account. So, I guess you could say that that class got me to this blogger. Now netsirK, Phika and I can do stuffs on here...yyyyeah.
So, that's my blog. Uninteresting, I know.

28 July 2008


How do you pronounce that?
In my opinion, however you like.

This game is pretty fun... if you survive more than 18 seconds, you're supposedly very good... my best time?


wait for it...




28.489 seconds.

Can you beat it?

27 July 2008

Ok, since I'm once again bored out of my brain, I dug in my dad's laptop's hard drive and found this. One my favorite captioned photos. Is it funny? I don't have a clue. You peeps tell me.

But anyway... that wasn't why I was gonna blog... oh, here's something...
I went to church today (der)... these two girls came in to my Sunday School class (if I'm a perky gal, they're overly perky... it's kinda strange to think about it. O_o). These two were the same girls I sang the newsboys song "Who?" to just last Sunday. Unlike my youth leader (I don't know what's wrong with ol' Rusty...), who I'm fairly sure has something against me singing, they really liked my vocals. I was somewhat impressed, and quite happy with their response. And although Rusty may make me mad by silencing me when I desperately want to sing, I still love him... O hyper one that he is.
So anyways, this week, I was listening to the Paul Colman Trio's "The Killing Tree," and although I did want to sing again, I didn't get the chance to. But I got over it soon enough. Especially when everyone started flooding in. And it got pretty out-of-control very quickly... with one of the two girls, whom I shall call by her nickname, "Nanner," started going after one of the boys in there, and kept saying they were boyfriend/girlfriend. But luckily, Rusty arrived to save the day; and I said, "It's that guy! Whoever he is!" He laughed it off and I gave him the first of many, many hugs today.
So eventually, our Sunday School teacher, Malcolm, arrived and Rusty left. As he did, I said, "Sure! Go ahead and leave, why don'tcha!"
We started going through our lesson, with very frequent interruptions from "Nanner," which poor Malcolm was trying his best to ignore, but one does not ignore a teenage girl who keeps leaping at a boy, calling him her boyfriend, nor do they ignore when she shouts out at random times. Last time "Nanner" decided to go... loopy... Malcolm left us with a speech, which is NOT the norm of Malcolm Britt.
But today, when "Nanner" sat on the floor, she and Malcolm switched chairs, and just so you get an idea of what our classroom is like... Malcom has a table, we don't.
Anyway, as Malcolm finished up the lesson, "Nanner" took an eyeliner wand and started decorating one of the Sunday School books, and Malcolm didn't take it very well.
And that, pretty much, was my Sunday School class today.
Now, on to what happened earlier this evening...
I retreated outside, like I usually do, and sat on a concrete uprising, which was connected to our third building by a little "bay" of sorts, which used to house our church vans (where they went, I haven't a clue). I sat there and turned on my iPod, which is in a little speaker system/dock... it rocks. There, I sat and listened to Paul Colman Trio songs contentedly, until I decided to come back inside. And a few more minutes after I came in, Rusty arrived.
We ended up watching this video we were familiar with... the Lifehouse "Everything" performance seen on YouTube and GodTube... the live version. We had to watch it again because we're planning on re-enacting all this. And Rusty was trying to pull it all together... in their planned two weeks. Yippee.
And after another excellent sermon from our pastor, we were dismissed while the rest of the congregation had a business meeting. Which meant that we could have some fun.
I retreated to my place outside once again, and managed to pour my heart out singing "The Killing Tree" a couple of times, then singing "Fill My Cup." But when I came to "Turn," the whole group was beginning to migrate outside. So much for any more of that. But I tried to save the situation by sprinting all the way across the back field of our church (which is delightfully huge), flipping to a newsboys song: "Something Beautiful."
But that hiding spot got overrun as well, and so I started heading back to my original spot, only to grow tired and flop onto the grass. When Rusty came by, after trying to find a dodgeball for my restless mates, I told him, "Don't mind me... I'm just catching my breath."
I sat there in the grass for a little while, listening to "Shine" live, "Strangely Normal," and "Taste and See." Then, I got up and went inside the dark, deserted third building.
There, I got some water and ended up dancing to the intro of the remixed "Rescue," and sprinted the length of the building. After that, I went to the next song on my iPod, "Resolution." I backtracked in another sprint, and happily danced to that song in the gymnasium. I was tired after all that, and I sat down at one of the tables set up there, and played a favorite of mine: "Unified." But I cut it short and headed for "Bleed," a song I usually turn to when I'm feeling down.
But I had hatched a thought in my head, and I ascended the flight of stairs, flipping to a song on the same newsboys album as "Taste and See," called "Stay With Me." It's a very beautiful song, in my opinion, but I couldn't listen to it without feeling restless and unnerved in the dark, otherwise silent building. So I eventually left and to make the ending short, my time of fun had come to an end. At least I got to listen to my iPod some.
And that was my day. I'm glad someone took the time to sit and listen to me rant. Good day to you. *gets up and leaves*

26 July 2008




I accompanied my mother doing some errands today. We were playing Tac's (tobyMac) album Portable Sounds... or, to be a little more specific, "Boomin'." That song rocks. Literally. Anyways, so we heard to the whole thing, which includes something called "Opera Trip," after the song is done. It consists of Mandisa trying to sing opera... and let me just say, it was VERY SHOCKING. Or traumatizing, whichever you prefer.

My mom: She sings pretty good.
Me: Not when she's doing opera!!

So, yeah.


Y'know, I think this topic is gonna make some of Phika's friends hate me, so here goes nothing...

I detest Miley Cyrus.

No, no, let me rephrase that... I detest that she doesn't let her Christianity show... and the day she writes Christian songs, perhaps I'll start listening to her. One thing she's done recently (and some of the things on recent airings of her TV show...) makes me connect all that, with a new song I recently listened to... "Selfish Song," by the Paul Colman Trio.

Want the lyrics to that? Go here....


I'm remembering all of my good times on YouTube now... like this vid...

This song rocks. John Reuben rocks, too. My mom makes fun of the way he dances. It's both funny and mind-bendingly awkward, creepy, and disturbing.
But the fact that they're playing what appears to be an extreme version duck-duck-goose is pretty weird, but something I'd totally expect from Reuben.


Uhh... hmm...

Have you seen any of the newsboys podcasts? They're hosted by Colpa, which means they're pretty much hilarious. One of my favorites isn't all that funny, but it's pretty cool... Podcast 6. The guys were visiting an orphanage in Uganda... they were having a blast, too. I especially liked the part where Furpe was playing around with this cute Ugandan baby (I wish they could've got a better view of her, but we only see her from the back. Bummer), by pulling his day job: making faces to entertain peeps like me, who is FAR too easy to entertain. Go figure.

Ok, I guess that't it. All I can think of to blog about.



WARNING!! Sword blows to the head may cause headaches.

25 July 2008


We just got back from one of my family's favorite restaraunts: Elizabeth's Pizza. It's always the place to be for strange things to happen. It's weird... everything strange in my life happens at this place.

Like one time, a year or so ago, we were sitting in Elizabeth's during a thunderstorm, and suddenly, BOOM! All the lights and stuff go out. Gasp. All the employees were scrambling to the tables to light the little candles at each one... one of them asked for a lighter or something, and my dad, being the cigarette addict, donated his lighter.

Now, let me say one thing about me and rain/thunderstorms: I. Love. The. Rain. When it rains, I'm the first one to sprint outside and run around in the middle of the downpour. It exhilerates me.
Now, t-storms are another story. I don't usually go outside during those things. Usually, I like to observe the light show (which I've often said is better than the movies) from my bedroom window. And so, I get really, really uneasy when I'm away from my home and a thunderstorm is raging outside. One reason, I've already told you.... here's my other reason:
I ALWAYS carry my iPod on me whenever I leave my house. And that particular day, I remembered hearing about this young guy who got elecrocuted by a lightning bolt which had been attracted by his iPod; he was listening to it while he was mowing his lawn. So, even to this day, I'm convinced my iPod is like an umbrella: a lightning rod. Even if mine's a Shuffle (like Phika's Alflalfa), the tiniest MP3 player around.
So, anyway, that was the first strange occurence at Elizabeth's.

The next one happened just tonight. Apparently, while I was tuned into singing the Paul Colman Trio's "Run," everyone in the restaraunt was singing "Happy Birthday" to this 95 year old woman named Millie. Lucky nonogenarian she is. She walked out waving to everybody. I'm glad she had a blast at Elizabeth's; I tend to.

And, to quote Yakko (of Animaniacs), "And now, for something COMPLETELY different!"

I remember on an old thread on the newsboys message boards where I said that Relient K makes me think of Hannah Montana now (and vice-versa).
Well, now you guys get to see what I mean...

24 July 2008


Blog number two... what to blog, what to blog...

How 'bout a tribute to Phika and our favorite band, newsboys?

Somehow, I know she'll be tickled by this...

Okies. I perused her archives some time ago, and found this.

It was really, really fascinating, and I thought,

"Hey, if Phika is a Star Wars name, what are the Star Wars names of these guys??"

So, my brainstorm...

PETER FURLER, newsboys frontman: Furpe. lol. Sounds like "Furby."

PHIL JOEL, former newsboys bassist: This one'll be interesting... since technically, Phil has two last names (his original last name, and his stage/current last name), I'll list 'em both:

Urrph and Joeph. Both are pretty funny.

JEFF FRANKENSTEIN, newsboys keyboardist: Fraje. Wow, how does one pronounce it? I think this one's my second favorite.

PAUL COLMAN, newsboys guitarist: Colpa! I think I might name my next pet that. lol.

DUNCAN PHILLIPS, newsboys drummer: Phidu. We've jokingly called him Phika's "Uncle Duncan," since their last names are the same and they're both vertically challenged.

Ok, now that's over... bummer.

Ok, onto another of Phika's blogs (hey, it's midnight here! I'm not only bored again, but my brain is addled)... this one...

It reminds me of back when I had my Photobucket account and I captioned newsboys photos... boy, that was fun.

Wanna see some? Alright, hold on...

This is Paul. This was one of the last photos I captioned before Photobucket shut down my account... I got the idea from a little joke Paul did during the 8th newsboys podcast... think "That's my applause." lol.

Now this one, I had to caption... Paul being silly with Jeff... the "sausage and egg casserole" thing has to do with the DVD that came with a limited edition of one of their latest CDs, GO. It's pretty fun. Peter and one of their fairly well-known roadies, Steve Campbell, were raving at how "light and fluffy" it was. Good times, good times...

The guy with the long, blonde hair is Phil. He's a Kiwi, which means he's from New Zealand. Nice place. The guy beside him with the neat red guitar is Jody Davis, a well-known predecessor of Paul's. When he was in the band, Jody rocked.
And vegemite? Most Aussies (and certain Kiwis, like Phil) go nuts for this nasty smelling spread. It's supposed to be made from yeast extract, and unless you spread it very lightly on whatever, apparently, it can be pretty nasty. Unless you were raised in Aussie or Kiwiland, or you're very eager and determined, you have no hope of liking it.

This is an older picture of Duncan. Dunny has a mohawk now. The man is crazy funny. He and Peter, drum rivals as they are, both come up with the most random faces. Which is why I had to caption this.

And finally, this pearler. The bald one is Pete, and the guy on his left, our right, is Jeff... it's older, so of course Jeff looks different. This caption was poking fun at what a certain fan called Jeff's Narcolepsy... no, he's not really narcoleptic, he just had this knack of closing his eyes in photos. Especially fan photos. Why? Who knows. Does he still do it? I doubt it.

And there you have it. Pics, and a little explanation so you wouldn't be completely lost.



Hi, peeps... I'm a new face here, so...


Ok, now that I've got that formality out of the way...

I'll tell more about meh later... cuz this is my first blog here, and frankly, I'm BORED!!

So here... for Veggietales fans, I give you this random vid I found on YouTube...

I like it when someone speeds up a song (for the most part... for some songs, it's kinda creepy.)
Anyways, I hope y'all likes it.
*runs off to customize profile*