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16 October 2008

:P :P

Oh, hai.
Like I said, I apologize for my OWN slip in blogging. Booo!

HOORAY! All of you guessed correctly. Solomon Olds = Soul Glow Activatur, of... FF5. XD

Soul Glow helped write it, he did programming, keys, bass, electric guitar, beats (:P), and background vocals!! I've been trying hard to hear him in "Catchafire." Maybe he's responsible for the beat at the beginning and near the middle. Sounds like they're saying "dum-dum." XD XD It's hilarious.

Ehhh... something happened last night. At youth group.
I don't really wanna talk about it (I'm JUST getting over it), but I will give away a couple aftereffects of the incident: I was BARELY able to stop crying between when I got home from youth last night and this morning before I got on the bus this morning. It was made worse with nearly every song I heard within that time. I will say only those two details.
Yeah, I call it bad. Very bad.

I think my Newsgirl shirt is bad luck. :P



CrimeSceneFairy said...

You are going to email me now about this. Now. NOW. Like as soon as you read it. Email me. And I'm going to keep pestering you until you do. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay.

netsirK said...

Yay, we win!! XD

Sorry you had a bad time at youth group. :( Hope you're doing better!