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03 December 2008

We Interrupt this Wednesday to bring you...

... the news that I can't stop listening to "Shout." XD It's an addicting song!! It was worth the $0.99 I paid for it... even if I might have had no need to do so (Whoops. XD)

But I can't find any lyrics! I've caught some of the lyrics (definitely the chorus and the prechorus), but some are hard to tell. If someone can find the lyrics to the songs on The New Normal, please tell me. I don't wanna have to buy the CD just for lyrics. That'd be sort of a waste.

This song seriously rocks. I think this is Phil's new "signature" song in my mind now (It used to be "God Is Watching Over You," but not anymore!!). I wish Phil had made this song longer than two minutes and 33 seconds. It's one of the shortest songs I have on Squizzy! Shame. :(

You may now return to your regularly scheduled Wednesday.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oosh!! I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

netsirK said...

Coolio! That's too bad you can't find the lyrics though... you can never quite tell what those Aussie/New Zealanders are really saying.