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14 December 2008

More Skillet!


This is my all-time favorite Skillet podcast -- this is the one where I got the John Reuben-bathroom thing in the previous blog. XD And how nice, John even introduces himself for all who don't know. XD

It's kinda sad, since most of the podcasts only feature Ben and Jen (Ben Kasica (sp, netsirK?) and Jen Ledger), and each time, I'm like, "WHERE IS JOHN?!?!?!"
Because John rocks. Like, out loud.

And so does THIS podcast!!

Wow, what a pass. XD
It's a toilet seat head! XD



netsirK said...

The beginning of the first one is kind of TMI. XD You spelled Ben's name right! Mr. Cooper is awesome, but Ben and Jen are pretty cool too! I doubt John has Ben's made cheeto catching skills.

*can't believe poor Ben and John got eaten* "Tastes like hair gel." XD XD

Hmm, wonder what's up with me and long comments lately.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

They soud fuddy but i cad't watch ady right dow. It's too cold id here.... *loud sniff *