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09 December 2008

Open Wounds

All of you who seem to have something against JOC, I'll talk to y'all later.

Right now, I wanna point out something.

netsirK sent me a Skillet song called "Open Wounds." Now, this song rocks. A lot. And I looked at the album review on JfH for the album it's on (Collide), and whoever reviewed it (DiBiase? Can someone see? My school blocks JfH) said this song didn't have any spiritual meaning; it just addressed John Cooper's (for all non-panheads, that's Skillet's frontman) estranged relationship with his father.

Well. I beg to differ.
JfH does have a reputation for being wrong in some places. This is one of those places.

I found a spiritual story here. Think about what I'm gonna say, I implore you.
In my mind, this song is [still] about an estranged father and son... but the father is God. In my mind, the "son" has become angry with God and keeps blaming Him for everything, and he's convinced that God hates him and He can't do anything to stop his pain. And God puts up an interesting arguement... "How could you love Me/when all you ever gave Me/were open wounds."
And by that, I mean that God is likely implying the "son" has always been this way, and all he keeps doing is adding to Christ's scars ("open wounds").

Have you ever thought of it that way, netsirK?

I was shocked when JfH said something like that. Goes to show you can find a spiritual message in any song.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Not being a Skillet fan
I don't have anything to say here....
I won't say anything.
*gives Bluey snowball gun * Use it on enemies. *winkwinkwink*

netsirK said...


Anywayz, I haven't thought of Open Wounds that way. Probably cuz I think it's supposed to be about an abusive father. I love it, so sad.

BUT I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH JFH. How could you say that? Sure, it doesn't have a chorus of "Holy, holy, holy" but it has a lot to do with life from a perspective many people have and can relate to.
Oi, long sentence.
*is exhausted*