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30 December 2008


My ugleh sore is finally disappearing! :D :D Of course... the process of killing it is more painful than no treatment at all. :( Oh, well. At least it's finally dying. :)

But there are still a lot of sadness around me... one is the fact that netsirK has a total of one hour internet time. That's a serious problem... I don't want to go back to emails back and forth! D':

But I might have to live with that. :( I blame Dude. :P
Wow, I'm feeling pessimistic about this netsirK situation... reminds me of a certain part of a Habibi story...

Then Peter says something I will never forget. Now what was it? Oh yeah! “I’ll find your watch for you, zoom into that last picture and lets have a look round in the sand.” “I betcha you’ll find it!” “Impossible!” Someone cries out from behind a bike, trying to be an encouragement! “It’s like trying to find a needle in a hay stack mate!” “Yeah Habibi, your watch is gone for good.” “Thanks guys”, I respond. A final “No worries!” echoes from the hot springs a quarter mile away.

It's kinda ironic, actually. :P If that was an "official" newsboy, then I will be forever sorely disappointed with which one said it.
Speaking of disappointment... I can't get on Facebook. >:( Facebook is randomly deciding that I can't be on. >:( >:( Hateful.

But I DO have a bright side. It's a photo. An ADORABLE photo. If you don't say it's cute (with the exception of Soul Skittles, who saw it yesterday), then you need a defibrillator shock. >:)




Brittany November said...

Aw, that is sweet! They both have the same haircut too ;)

Kristen said...

Yay! Glad the sore is disapearing!

I join thee in feeling sorrowful over netsirK's situation.

*slaps Facebook*

That is a cute photo! Where'd you get it? :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Grr, internet time, sores, and facebook. *hugs pete * Awwww

Kristen said...

I already know where Jeff lives. :P But his street isn't available for viewing. :( I can show you a picture of the closest I can get to his house, though. :D If you like.

Anonymous said...

Some of the content is very worthy of my drawing, I like your information!