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08 March 2009



Today, I have been hit with news I never thought I'd see. It seems very false, but there is a feeling deep within me that is very real. That feeling is what I'm trying to ignore.

I'd much rather hear the newsboys breaking up than to hear this.

Who came up with the newsboys in the first place? Peter.
Who managed to keep his group together when they first went to America? Peter (assumedly)
Who kept trying and trying to write songs, even when nobody listened to them and they weren't any good until 1992? Peter, mostly!
Who was the one moved to write Shine? Peter!
Who had to move out to the front to be a lead singer? Peter!
Who had to suffer through things such as material comforts (aka, the feeling of being on top of the world when you're really not), marriage problems, bandmate's problems (more specifically, Jody's daughter), the dicso ball incident? Peter.
Who, through such suffering and more, was moved to mature the newsboys' sound? Peter.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

Who has a rumor going around that he's leaving the band?


I am passionately believing this is untrue. I sent Duncan three tweets, one of which asked the pertinent question, and two of which showed him Peter's birthday post.
(Today is Peter's half-birthday, by the way)
Unless Duncan says something (I have a feeling he and the others are in some sort of church situation at the moment) or there is an announcement, I have to assume its untrue. There's nothing backing up the truth in this rumor, so I have to run with that.

I love Peter, I'm no longer ashamed to say that.
I love him and the rest of the newsboys. Just the way they are. But if God wants them to do something outlandish such as this, then who are we to question it?

To be quite honest, I tried to keep myself busy with things that were happening at church. But when there was a lull, I grew more and more depressed, borderline tears.
Then I moved into the room of the service. For ten minutes, I listened to two songs - "Whispers in the Dark" and "I'll Be With You." And taking their meanings to heart and letting the message sink in all over again: God is with us, no matter what.

And then I had Hannah (thank you so much)... I have to give her credit, she helped me through the morning, too. I'm thankful for her right about now.

So, yeah. Hoping this is untrue.



Brittany November said...

Bummer. Sent you an e-mail....

Kiwi da Fruit said...

???? I saw your post and Skittles's, but then had to get off. And now I checked D's Twitter and then the Message Boards.
How can he do that with no warning?? If I had bought tickets to go see Peter Furler, and then ended up having to listen to Michael Tait (who is a good vocalist, just not a NB), I'd be so ticked off.

But, I'm still sorting through all this and waiting for the 'Official Announcement (that should have been announced Before all this)' before I come to a final decision on my NBFan status.

Stupid rumors.
Okies, I'm done venting now. Sorry. :}

netsirK said...

I know, I know, I KNOW.
Sooo sad. :(
I want you to know that I've been thinking and praying for you, because I know you are the most hardcore nb fan to ever walk this Earth.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

WAH. WAH and WAHness.
oh what a time to be us