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24 March 2009


Duncan's brain must be addled.
Either that, or he really, really wants to devastate me something terrible.
His last Facebook update was no laughing matter to me.

It's that sudden blow to the gut that no one really wants.

This pretty much tears it. I'm sorry, Skittles, but I'm gonna really gonna need to seperate myself from the nb for a while.
Or rather, whatever this band is now.
They certainly aren't the nb anymore.

The nb are Aussie. At least half Aussie.
This phenomenon is only 25% Aussie, and the original flavor of that Aussie is just barely heard.
The nb was the brainchild of a man who has done a lot for this broken, broken world.
Now he has departed, and his band will likely dissolve without the glue.

I will not buy any album beyond In The Hands of God.

I was just starting to like the idea of Tait as lead, too.
But this... this is just heartbreaking.
But I think what will be more heartbreaking is if Tait goes down in CCM history as the man who destroyed one of the greatest CCM bands.
So long story short, I'm really hoping Tait isn't the demise of this... phenomenon. It'd be so sorely, sorely missed.

But... I can't help but wonder why Duncan is suddenly shunning Peter for.
I mean, I knew those two were rivals, but I thought they were friendly rivals. And this is not friendly, this is... mean. Rude. Outright disrespectful.
I'm sorry, but that's the way I interpret it.

So, yeah.
I still want updates on Pete, but I doubt that's gonna happen in the near future. We might as well live with it. :(

Oh, well.
A tag:

Using only song names from TWO ARTISTS, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's harder than you think.
Artist: nb and Jars of Clay. >:)

Are you male or female?: Scarlet. >:)

Describe yourself: Much Afraid. (It's true. :P)

How do you feel about yourself?: Lesser Things

Describe where you currently live: The Edge of the Water

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Israel

Your best friend is: Unforgetful You

Your favorite color is: Rose Colored Stain Glass Windows (just kidding - this was the closest choice though. XD Look it up! This is a JOC song!)

What's the weather like?: Crazy Times

If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: Spirit Thing. XD

What is life to you?: Boycott Hell. >:D

What is the best advice you have to give?: Be Still (And know He... is God. :) )

If you could change your name, what would it be?: Elle G. Just cuz my name was taken. :P

Your favorite food is: Taste and See. XD XD XD XD

And there you go.

And I'll be sure to tell you guys the mind-boggling news I just got tomorrow. ;)



Brittany November said...

PLEASE tell me what he said? I'm a stupid Facebook-less person stuck in the middle ages, but I just signed up for an account...and sent a friend request...but I still can't see his page until he's confirmed it! :( Even if you just cut and paste what he said to a comment on my blog? Because now I'm worried :/

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Hi. Is there some way you could link to his post or re-post in on here? I, also, do not have a Facebook, and haven't got a clue as to what is going on.
then again, maybe I don't want to know.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:( I'm sorry, Bluehkins. Dunny probably didn't mean to sound...well, you know. But I agree, it is mean of him to say that. :(
XD Taste and see. THAT'S NOT A FUHD!!

Anonymous said...

"But I think what will be more heartbreaking is if Tait goes down in CCM history as the man who destroyed one of the greatest CCM bands."
