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15 March 2009

I Must Rant...

Hai, all. :)

I know Skittles has talked about it quite a bit, I believe it's my turn now...

I've seen both guitargirl and Kiwi both espress desire for an account on the newsboys message boards. Well, believe me, my friends, be glad you're not a member right now.
More and more "haters" have been joining the boards. I mean, one of the "newbies" is called upsetwitnb. >:( Seriously? This is what they've come down to?

Have you seriously lost faith in the nb that much?

I am ashamed of the nb boards right now. Very ashamed. They keep growing more hostile on the subject of Peter exiting, and quite frankly, it makes me want to tear my hair out.
One even said they had lost any respect they had for Peter! Seriously, must you all sink so low as to spit in the faces of the band that has inspired us?? :(
It's sad. It really is.

I was shocked by the news as much as the next nb fan, but really, it's gotta be let go sometime! You can't go boycotting the nb and proverbially slapping their faces forever.

You say how it's unfair that Peter departed without warning.
You say it's unprofessional that they didn't come out with a warning.
Some of you say your respect for the band is gone.
Some of you come up with a bunch of arguements against a conviction of the Holy Spirit.

First of all, Peter's still a newsboy. He didn't say a thing about leaving his band altogether.
Second, I think we should start treating the nb the way we used to treat it - as a ministry. Because it is. Christian bands don't play primarily for profit like the secular ones, they play primarily to win hearts to Christ. The nb are no different.
Third, in my opinion, if you really supported the nb, your respect would still be solid. I may have lost faith in them at one point, but that was before I knew the whole story. That was before any of us knew the whole story. It has to be let go.
And finally, if this is a case of God convicting Peter to leave, I wouldn't dare argue. Who am I to argue with my Creator? Who am I to question his motives? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the "unforgivable sin" identified as blaspheming the Holy Spirit??

There. I'm done.
I'm so glad I let that out.

Please... don't get overboard in your theological debates. ;)



CrimeSceneFairy said...

w00t! :D
I am also ashamed of the boards. Too many threads...STOP PLEADING ALREADY Peter is not gonna come back and he's not gonna come to a show just cuz you asked. and too many people being mean. Grrrr

Brittany November said...

Wow. That's low that people are being mean to them on their own messageboards :( I mean, what Pete did was handled very poorly regardless of if he felt God calling him on or whatever. Stopping right in the middle of a tour? Seems kind of fishy, but that's not my place to say because we don't have all the details yet. But I'm going to continue enjoying their music regardless.

P.S.- Kewl! :-D I've noticed before that you, I, and Skittles must all be online at about the same time in the morning because that's when we all post stuff it seems. That would be awesome if we could chat sometime! It's been forever since I've chatted with someone...:P

Anonymous said...

I will agree with you in most cases, but there are A LOT of members who are actually sick of the whining and crying believe it or not.

So it's not just hating, but unfortuantly there is. but it has died down since then. ;)

Just my two cents.

netsirK said...

I'm annoyed mostly. People are just talking in circles! Stating your opinion is fine, but people tend to argue til the death.

It was really poorly handled, but... *shrugs* Not that big of a deal. It happened. People need to get over it. People will not change that by making clever points. Hallelujah, amen. We've been dismissed. XD

*won't comment on untheologicalness* :P