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04 March 2009

Gotta Love Eventful Mornings

Oh, hai.

I had an eventful morning! Don'tcha just love those? :)

Well... first of all, we had yet another accident here in the accident capital of North Carolina. And this one was... pretty bad, actually.

See what I mean?!
The freakin' car's on its freakin' side!!


And if it weren't for the bus' windshield wiper, you'd be able to see the other car involved... not as badly beaten up as the one on its side.
Dunno the current status on 'em. We're thinking the sideways wonder is... totaled. We heard the dude inside was okay, but stuck inside. Hope he got out.

And something else happened. Something much more... exciting, but less eventful.

I was listening to Kountry Gentlemen while I was alone on the bus this morning (this was at least an hour and a half after the accident)... and I went CRAZY... my feet went EVERYWHERE.
I was having a BLAST. I made it hot in that place! Too bad no one else was there. :P




Brittany November said...

Something I never thought would happen to me happened to me on Monday...

I got "Love Addict" stuck in my head :P

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Heh...heh...guitargirlie's comment made me think your comment box were broken. =P
Nothing ever exciting happens to me, of course.
*loud sigh *
Bad me. *edits post * I'm all Ebola-ridden.
And you gotta find your own dehumidifier. =P I only have one.

netsirK said...

Ugh, car wrecks. Sad and awful and traffic causing. :(

OOH! Funness! I looooove Kountry Gentleman, even though it's totally irrelevant to me. Maybe... maybe you could... I dunno... they don't sell it on Amazon, so I am lost.