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17 March 2009

Guess What?

Another tag! :P
Dang, I have nothing to blog about, otherwise... Oh, yeah, the new banner. :) I'll explain that after this.

How much of my teen life have I messed up?? :P
Remember, I'm in public school. Lucky me. :P

[ x ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum (Ew, gum).
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.

Total thus far: 1

[ ] Arrived late to class more than five times.
[ x ] Didn't do homework over five times (that was back in elementary school... XD)
[ ] Turned in at least 3 projects in late.
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.

Total thus far: 2

[ ] Got your mom, dad or someone else to get you out of school.
[ ] Texted during class.
[ ] Passed notes.
[ ] Threw stuff across the room.
[ ] Laughed at the teacher (I only laugh at a teacher when he knows he made a mistake. :P)

Total thus far: 2

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[ x ] Went on myspace, Facebook, Xanga, etc. on the computer (if Rhapsody counts... :P)
[ x ] Took pictures during school hours (only at lunch... XD).
[ ] Called someone during school hours.
[ x ] Listened to an iPod, CD, etc. during class.

Total thus far: 5

[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[ ] Broke dress code.
[ ] Failed a class.
[ x ] Ate food during class.

Total thus far: 6

[ x ] Gotten a call from school (my school does this constantly... >:( )
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip because of behavior.
[ x ] Didn't take your stuff to school (only on days that didn't require it... XD)
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger (*GASP*) at a teacher (*DOUBLEGASP*) when they weren't looking.
[ ] Cursed loud enough for a teacher to hear.

Total: 8

[ x ] Faked your parents signature (elementary school... evil, evil time...)
[ x ] Slept in class (just yesterday... XD)
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[ ] Copied homework

Total: 10

Multiplied by 3: 30

I screwed up 30% of my teen life!! :( :P

Oh, yes. The banner. :)
That's the nb circa 1990. What a happy time that was. :) The days when the nb got kicks by frustrating critics with sub-par songs... that I like. :D XD
And when John sang lead... good times... good times... :D


Edit... Sing it with me!
Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Taste and see, He's so good for you!
LOVE THAT SONG! *goes to look for it on iPod*


Brittany November said...

HAHA! I LOVE your new header ;) I'm gonna make one of my own...for a limited time only ;P

Brittany November said...

Haha! Get on gmail...maybe we can chat or something...unless you're busy...

Brittany November said...

P.S.- "Y'all want this party started, right? Y'all want this party started quickly." ;P ROTFLOL

Brittany November said...

Dang :/ Will you be on your own computer at 7ish tonight?

Hey, wait...if you're at school...shouldn't you be LEARNING? ;)

Brittany November said...


Kiwi da Fruit said...

Who's that between John James and Pete? Looks like a girl!
Oh, maybe it's a blessing that Peter's hair started receeding! I really dislike long hair on dudes. Even on Phil. 'Course, in the Entertaining Angels video, it isn't that bad.....

What's Peter got in his hand?

I only messed up 12% of my teen life! Of course, that may be because quite a few of the things I do, mom doesn't count wrong...Listening to music, chewing gum (as long as it doesn't distract the others), calling people...Most of the things I would only get wrong if Mom specifically told me, "Okay, no music today," or whatever.

About the NB MBs, I'd like to get on just so I can 'cancel out' a Fair-weather fan's bad opinions. And I'd like to give some of these people a big ol' chunk of my mind!! But I'd do it nicely. :)

~Kiwi da Fruit~

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Hey. Hai. I has love of the header. :D
Muhahaha. haha.
at least you're not as bad as some people...
Humf! I don't know dis song. >:(