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23 November 2008

Serious Fun

Oh, hai.
Guess what I'm gonna talk about?

That's right! That CD Hannah gave me. :D

It has the BEST song ever on it. It's hilarious!
Who's a big boy? Me, me, I'm a big boy!
Now I'm wondering if Paul feels the same about this song as Peter does about the first three newsboys albums. Hmm...

Remember the video I talked about HERE? And how I said I wanted the song that played in the background?
Well, I have it now. :D So do netsirK and Soul Skittles. I sent 'em the song, which I JUST found out that I could do.

Now that I have the full song, I gotta say, the chorus (not to mention the way it's sung) is very catchy:

No more lies and no manipulation (the last chorus, they mispronounce "manupulation." Or should I say, "manipoolation" XD)
No more avoiding all responsibilities
Well you know it's time
That you change the situation
'Cause we all wanna sleep tonight.

So what is the song about?

Well, it takes a jab at "our" generation. The kids (and adults alike) who are spoiled, have everything waiting on them hand and foot, don't know what it is to put in a "hard day's work." Won't take responstibility for anything they do... you get the idea. It makes fun of them. And it's truly the funniest thing.

So, yeah! Kewl song! Even Pauly agrees!




CrimeSceneFairy said...

THAT REMINDTH ME! I can has download nows cuz I has right compooper!! !:D :D :D

Brittany November said...

I've never heard of that album, is it on amazon? *Goes on Amazon and looks up pc3* GAAAH!! $30 for a used CD? *Gulps* Hehe. There's only one on there now, better hurry! ;)
I've actually wanted to get either his solo album or "New Map of the World" ever since they both came out (Waaay before he was an nb :p)
Did you know he's about to come out with a new single soon? It's called if I Was Jesus. I only know that cause he was on Total Axxess not long ago. He did his impression of Dylan there ;) The video is on Wally's blog on my blogroll. It's hilarious!