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18 November 2008


Have y'all heard the "new" FF5 song "Radiator?" Have ya?
Well, guess what?
They released a video for it today! Dude, I've only seen like 51 seconds of it right now, but it rocks. :D I even took a couple of screenshots courtesy of GIMP. ;)

To start off -- the name of the song! Doesn't it look cool?

And here they come! The Fivers!!!!!!

I have to admit, the video's pretty dark. And it kinda makes Soul Glow look... I dunno, creepy? XD

SEE WHAT I MEAN?!?! XD XD Does that not look CREEEEPY?! XD
"Do you want to plaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy?" XD

Even Nadaddy is following suit! Don't do it, Nafather! The world needs you and your sidekick Chapstique! XD

He's armed with his fist. I wouldn't suggest making him any angrier than he already looks. XD

Meanwhile, SGA has gone from creepy to apelike. XD What else be new?

"Radiate like transparency..." Dude, I love this shot. Isn't it awesome?? XD

Wow. Who's this? Phatty (whom I haven't seen very well in this vid)? SG? Who knows.

Go, Chappy. "WE ARE THE CHOSEN NATION!!!!!!"

And not one to be a party pooper, SGA joins in, too.

Nice shot of Crouton and his drumkit, huh? And it's so wonderfully complemented by the neon "Dance or Die" logo. XD

It's the Solomon Olds action figure! Complete with karate-chopping-like movement! XD

Solli's gone ape on us again. XD

"I feel my skin crawling offa my soul!"
And the apeishness continues!! Silly Soul Glow.

And now, the question is begged -- why not provide the video??
You gotta have a myspace account. Which I have. :P :P
Hopefully, I'll be able to view all 3 minutes and 41 seconds of the video in time. It was acting weird and only showed 51 seconds!! :O >:(

Oh, well.



netsirK said...

That made me laugh!
And I can watch the video, even though I don't have a myspace account. :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Hewwo!!! :D
I has no myspace. Boo.
I don't like myspace anyways.
Thank you for the pictures tho. :D

That sweet guy said...

I has no myspace eithers1 Horray for myspacelessness!

Brittany November said...

I hate MySpace. I have an account simply so I can comment on my friends pages, but I'm never on it.
OMIGOSH! IT'S TRUE! America is going back to the 80's! LOL! Do you have any idea how 80's those pictures look?! Am I the only one who sees this?! LOL!
Anyways *Takes deep breath* I did your tag thing ;)

CrimeSceneFairy said...

My all-time favourite song...My Last Amen...sorry it's not Newboys...:( I love em but they don't have any fun new upbeat songs. :P xD