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09 November 2008

O... G... C...

Mates, you won't believe what I saw this morning.

So, I went to church, right? And I sat there, in my usual spot, minding my own business... suddenly, Rusty walks in, and I get the shock of my life.


This man is NEVER dressed up! But today, he was!! It was almost creepy! He's always so casual. Cargo shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops. TODAY, he wore a buttoned shirt, LONG pants... and I didn't get a glimpse of his shoes, but I'm sure they weren't flip-flops!
It was shocking. I did not expect that. (nb references! XD XD)

Hmm... something interesting...

For Kris -- I have a vid for you when you get back on the Intranet:

And this, too:

And my other bloggy peeps... I have this:



Brittany November said...

Hey! You're on my blogroll now, so you'd better start behaving yourself. LOL! Jk!

netsirK said...

Kris is back now! :D

I love that vid! I've seen it before, but still love it. :)

The second one looks like something from garageband. Hmm...

Man, Paul's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting those vids Scarlett! Peter and Summer are both very wonderful, beautiful, devoted and loving people!
and Paul...well...he's just Paul lol gotta Love Paulipops