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28 November 2008

Happy [Belated] Thanksgiving!!!

Hai, peeps.
I did not blog yesterday. :P :P

So... Soul Skittles was right about my ringtone. :D I should get you something... Hm...

Well, I have an update on Swampie.
Swampie's dead. No more. *sniff* He might've been annoying, but he had some valuable things on his hard drive! :'( Oh, well.

All my pretty pictures... all my Wordpad documents... my iTunes... gggoooooone...

But something made up for it.
Something cool. :D

Well first off, my grandmother loaned me her laptop until I got a better PC laptop or Helmet got up and running. I'm not sure which will happen first!
Then my aunt (who was here from California, but she went back) gave me $20. :D So we went out and I bought me an iTunes gift card.

See, until I have a better laptop, I'm using this one for my iTunes. *squee*

So, yah.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

And so you hads a good Thanksgiving?
*mourns Swampie *
Tell meh how awesome Macs are if you get Helmet up and running
Otay. That all.

Anonymous said...

poor Swampie :(

ooh! lucky! iTunes...