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21 November 2008

Radiator UNCUT

Hey. Here it is. All 65 screenshots!!!

Here it is -- da TITLE!
The Fivers arise. How kewl be this??
Crouton's uber-pretty drumsticks, ushering the song into full swing.
Here's the ape-y Soul Glow agin. XD
No!! Not the valiant Nafather, too! I hope his sidekick Chappy hasn't fallen victim, too...

He's been brainwash. Why?!?!

Mr. Ape-y Ape-y

Now, I gotta correct some misheard lyrics here -- "Radiate LIGHT'S transparency!" That's better.
Hmm. One of my classmates (That Sweet Guy -- what, you didn't know he's my classmate? -- seems to know FF5, much to my surprise) tells me this is Phatty. What do y'all think?
Gotta love Chappy's spirit. Good thing he hasn't been brainwashed yet! XD
Scream it, Solli!

Pretty drumkit again... *drools* XD

"Hey! You!"
Mr. Solli action figure gone nutty.

I can just see him thinking, "Wow. Shiiiinyyy..." XD
Solli, evolution has been disproven. You can stop trying to impress the scientists now.
Nice tongue there, SG.
Looks he got hit in the place where NO guy wants to get hit. I shouldn't have to explain that any more. :P

Having a bad hair day, SGA?
NOO! Don't go all Jeffy on me, Solli! Wake up!
SG, I told you, evolution has been disproven! Quit going ape for the scientists! Ugh...
There ya go! Use those lungies! XD
OH NO! Don't tell me Solli's a BORG?!?!?! *blushes for letting Trekkieness show*
There's that tongue again.
"Oh, yay! You made it!"
"Let me pinch those cheeks!"
Ugh, why do I even bother trying to tell him to stop doing that? Solli... *facepalm*
Blurry set. Don't worry, you'll see a better photo in a minute.
Nice lower lip, mate. And nostrils. XD
Okay, I'm sorry for forcing you to quit acting ape... sheesh... no need to get all mad...
Hit that drum, Crouton! Bad drummy! BAD!
See? A better shot of the set. :P Is that Phatty? I didn't think he existed in this video. :P
Ohh, poor Soul Glow. Did your little brother Phatty beat you up again?
Oh, good, Nadaddy's back. He looks disheveled. But his buddy Crouton is hard at work behind him. :D
But I already have so MANY photos of you! ... yes, I know you're in the middle... no need to rub it in... *grumble*
Chapstique rockin' out that nice hair of his.
Soul Glow's trying to pull a Jeff on us again. Stay awake, Solli, you've almost made it.
Aww, thanks, Solli. Glad you finally forgive meh. XD
What did I do now?? Why are you pointing at me??
Oh, you're just mad at the mic, okay... glad it isn't me again...
Still rockin' out there, Chappy?
Spin that midget keyboard, Nadaddy! XD
Nice fingers, Solli. I'm glad ONE of us can snap his fingers...
Ooohhh... shiny drummies, Crouton... :D *drools again*
Solli + microphone = bliss. XD
Oh, good crap, he's fainting on us. Don't do it, Solli! Think of your fans!
He's only shocked because I pushed him so he's falling the opposite way. Pull yourself together, SGA!
Oh, gotcha. Okay, I'll quit taunting you.
What? I said I'd quit!! Don't-- *gag*
*gasp* *breathe* I forgive you, SG.
What are you doing? Solli? Solli? Don't fling that at me!
Duck, Nadaddy! SGA is playing all mad!
Skipping along, Chappy? This guy is so much fun.
WHOA! When did you brush your teeth last, Solli? *holds nose* (He did this about 3 times. :P)
Whoops! I'm sorry, Solli! I didn't mean on to hit your nose! *whimper*
I know it hurts, mate. I said I was sorry! :(
*pats SG's shoulder* It'll be fine, mate. If nothing else, you can pound the poop outta Crouton to cheer yourself up. XD
Now, I didn't say go emo on me... this from the guy who said "YAY DEATH TO EMO!!" Yeah, he really said that!
Chapstique still rockin'.
That's it, SGA. Let it all out. XD
Nice teeth. Gonna bite your mic?
Uh-oh. Poor dude hit his head on the camera. :P Wasn't me this time, Solli!

:O :O
Okay, ew. Solli, do you even know where that's been?? :X

And since I probably won't blog until tomorrow night, I lay this out...

Happy birthday, Soul Skittles. Here be my present to youz.



netsirK said...

What a post! And an awesomely fun read. lol. My mom looked over when I was laughing and looked at me as if I was crazy.
Perhaps I am.

And nice present for Soul Skittles! (if that's still her name today)

netsirK said...

I got za email and it worked! Now I'm hooked, too. Thanks SO much!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:D :D :D :D

Brittany November said...

Cool pix. Don't have time to look all through them now because I've got a room 2 paint *Sigh* and i thought my remodeling days were over after I ripped off two porches...
ANYWAYS, I was just replying to your comment on my blog-o. Girl, I think you need to take a look at the back of the nearest copy of "Hell Is for Wimps"! ;) I laughed out lound the first time I saw ol' Pedro with hair ;)But you're right, he doeth rock, even still today ;)