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03 September 2008


I'm mad at this stupid laptop. It won't quit flickering.
I think it's a fault, but I've already dealt it considerable damage in my rage, so I doubt I'll be able to gather enough proof to Gateway that this stupid screen is faulty. So I'm stuck with this stupid thing.

I might be off for a while... at home, anyway.
I hate this laptop. TO DEATH.

Selfish, yes, but I want SOMEONE to pray that either this laptop shapes up... I shape up... or I'll be able to take it to Gateway and convince them to replace the faulty screen.



netsirK said...

Stupid laptop. You really need to get your mac running!

My advice: Call the Gateway people. I got a bad laptop a while back. I called Apple, they tried to help me fix it, then when they couldn't they sent me a new one. And me and Mac lived happily ever after. :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

*grumble grumble*
I hate your laptop to death too!! What a koinkidink!!!