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27 September 2008

I'm A Pail On Your Boat With Slow Leaks...

Hooray for random bloggy titlez!!

Yah, I'm so boredness....

Uh.... what to bloggy...

Oh! How about I post in Oppish, and then I will translate it when I'm done. Kopatopie's new blog name is an example of Oppish, btw... and she can translate what I wrote, no problem. ;)
Here goez...


Hopi! I amop copallopedop Boplopuehop. I amop a bopigop fopanop ofop tophopisop Cophopropisoptopianop bopanopdop copallopedop "nopewopsopbopoyopsop." Tophope nopbop arope Popetoperop Fopuroploperop, Dopunopcopanop Pophopillopipopsop, Popaulop(ipopopopsop) Copolopmopanop, anopdop Jopeffop Fopropanopenopsoptopeinop. Tophopeyop arope kopewoplop popeopoplope, anopdop tophopeyop arope topotopalop Cophopropisoptopianopsop. Esoppopecopiallopyop Popetoperop. Hope'sop mopy fopavoporopitope nopewopsopbopoyop. Yopahop.

Okay, that's oppish.

Hi! I am called Blueh. I am a big fan of the Christian band called "newsboys." The nb are Peter Furler, Duncan Phillips, Paul(ipops) Colman, and Jeff Frankenstein. They are kewl people, and they are total Christians. Especially Peter. He's my favorite newsboy. Yah.

And there ya go. :)


netsirK said...

lol. Nice title.

Thanks for the translation! I'm still not too great at this oppish language.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

You're right! I can translate it no problem!! xD