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07 September 2008


Guess what?!
I GOT THAT iPOD I WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to show you what it looks like, I present to you the return of the red photo. XD

It's supposed to be silver, and you can barely tell that. XD Yet another attempt by my finger to block flash. Grrrr, that flash. :P

That is my OLD iPod. It is a Shuffle, and I will be using it for other purposes. It is no longer my nb Pod, it'll hold the OTHER songs I enjoy! XD

And you can barely see that my name is engraved on it. It's on my new Nano, too, but the engraving's on the back. XD And the back is very, very reflective silver. :O Which means no photo. :(

And this photo... well, netsirK will know what I'm talking about with this. It's my iPod shuffle dock/stereo system. :D Costed me $20 at a local Kmart. XD

Luckily, it won't go to waste! :D

In other news...

I went to church today. My new Sunday School class (I got a new one last week, cuz I'm in high school now) is pretty cool so far.
One of the girls was listing a prayer request for the Florida Keys cuz of Hurricane Ike.
And she spelled Ike.... 'Ick.'


And during the service today, there were electrical peoples working on the power lines, and our church's power surged about 3 times. The first two knocked out our slideshow system. :( But it was a cool service nonetheless.

And on a sad note...

There was this kid...
He was skateboarding down a busy road just outside of the city which I live (Wilmington)...
A truck pulled around...
BOOM! ...
He gets hit.

That was a true story. Poor kid went Home today. He left behind his parents...
And a younger brother.
Everyone around me, dropping like flies...

:( :(

I go eat lunch now.



Anonymous said...

That's sad what happened to your friend. Im glad that you're happy with the iPod that you got. I have a Shuffle too, except mine is pink.

I just got a facebook today, in case you are interested. ;)

netsirK said...

It's beautiful!!! I wanna cool ipod! Congrats on it!

And I like your new quote. :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

End on a sad note, why doncha?
Sighs.....iPod nano....i want bro has one...but i don't...I'm stuck with Alfy...I love Alfy but...sigh...
Oh well.