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23 August 2008


...And the people sing!

Well, I'm back from that lock-in I told you mates about...


I'm looking forward to doing something like that in the not-so-distant future. That rocked. Out loud. Much like the fact that my birthday is directly AFTER Peter's. XD Anyways.

I came up there around five to seven PM. And therefore, I was the first kid there. :) Then again,
I prefer being early to being late, so it's not unusual. As the next two hours passed, people began flooding in, and it was getting to be a packed house. Which is the best thing ever.
Later on, the girls were edged out to the second building (remember: our church has three buildings... we were using the last two.). We went down to the Youth Room and settled in there. Then, little by little, we all went back into the third building. I, being the group loner, stayed back as long as I could get away with, listening to live "Shine" and "Secret Kingdom" in there.
And we waited for our food, which was being grilled. :D And I was walkin' around in boredom (it's just SO easy for me to be bored. I need a challenge to keep me entertained. Or something completely hilarious), and I noticed one of the other girls, Anna (that's not her real name), sitting on the edge of the stairwell. One of the two wheelchairs which were out had ran over her toe. She asked me to accompany her back to the Youth Room, and I more than happily obliged. We sat there for a few minutes before Rusty's best friend CJ (trust me, he's not much of an improvement over Rusty) came to see why we were in there in the first place. So Anna showed him her middle toe, which had become very red and somewhat swollen at this point.
He urged the both of us (and a certain boy, whose name I won't reveal as of yet, who had followed us in the room) back to the third building, and by this time, the food was ready. I wasn't really all that hungry, so I didn't eat much at all.
When everyone was done, Rusty gathered us up for wheelchair races. That was pretty uneventful. I mean, WHEELCHAIRS!! Anyways. Rusty managed to get us scattered to play the random games. Which included a Wii, an Xbox 360, a ping-pong table, karaoke and board games (which was Rusty's idea, ironically). I went to the Wii room, and watched four other kids play bowling. Dang, it was cool. I didn't want to try then, so I walked off.
Between then (around... 11:30 or something like that) and 1:45 AM, we were all playing in the random rooms. The 360 was mainly being used for Rock Band, and it was pretty loud. And annoying. Long story short, I eventually went to try the Wii, and I loved it. Perhaps I should ask for one soon. And sell my Gamecube.
So, around 1:45, Rusty decided to gather us all up to play group games. First was Capture the Flag. Which was was totally confusing, and worse because there's little room to navigate, it's dark, and everyone loved to talk during the instructions. It was all too much to my already fatigued brain. So during the next game, Sardines, I sat out tiredly with CJ and one of the other girl's mothers.
And by 3:30, I was given the gracious chance to get to bed... I was the first one to crack. But apparently, my 3 hour sleep was the best out of the others. I woke back up around 6:30. I spent one last hour there before I finally went home.
And THAT, my friends, is what happened at last night's lock-in. Right after, when I got home at 7:30, I slept until 1:30. I needed it. So... yes, it was a blast! I can't wait to do one like this again.



netsirK said...

Sounds like lots of fun! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :)

lol. Wheelchair races. We tried Wheelbarrow races at our youth group once. It didn't go well either. Probably because of all the snow.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I need to move to your church and keep you company. Hehehehehe.