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17 August 2008


Today be Sunday.
And since it is Sunday, why not direct your attention to this GREAT song...

It's called "Jealous."
The song was created in 2005 by an EXCELLENT artist by the name of Phil Joel (ok, I'm biased, I admit, but he really is GOOD!). You have to love what he wrote about the song.

"If there's one song I want people to hear, it's this one."

Phil is an excellent songwriter, and if you think he doesn't have a heart for God, then you need to get out more. :p Kidding.
But really, you have to hear how powerful this song is to truly appreciate the beauty of the lyrics. It was worth all that time Phil says he put into this song to make it PERFECT. It certainly didn't go to waste, that's for sure.
If you wanna look for the album on eBay or Amazon, the album title is the deliberatePeople. album. Just like that! That's how you spell it! Lowercase "the," lowercase "deliberate," Captial "People," followed by that period, then lowercase album.

Check it out! For Phil! For God!!


1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I loves Phil Joel! He's a traitor but I love him!