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22 August 2008

The man named Rusty

Nonohoicha asked in my last comment who Rusty was. Well, first thing's first...


Oh, boy, netsirK knows... I could go all NIGHT talking about this dude.
He's my youth leader.
The man is an enigma, frankly. It's VERY tough to understand him unless you're whole personality is centered around sarcasm.
The main things you need to know about Rusty:

  • His real name is Rustin. (netsirK laughed at that. But it's true!) Talk about a unique name.
  • He kinda looks like your typical surfer dude: t-shirts, visor caps, cargo pants, flip-flops. That's Rusty for you.
  • He is a HUGE fan of the NC Tar Heels. Like my mom. *eyes roll*
  • He is VERY sarcastic. And it adds to his somewhat-hilarious personality.
  • When it comes to the nb, he could care less. We often clash on that issue.
  • He's a computer and music geek. He runs a computer business, and last I heard, he was offered a job at a music store. His dream. *eyes roll*
  • He's an Air Force brat. He's been around, definitely (like you, Nonohoicha!).

And man, he annoys me pretty well. But as far as I know, he likes it that way. He's shown me a sensitive side TWICE to date...

  • Once was when my friend Sara died.
  • The other is documented here.

And that is everything I know so far about the man I know as...

Wait for it...




netsirK said...

And I'm still laughing at his name. :p

Rust sounds like a cool dude, even though he's a bit insensitive.

Have lots of fun at the lock in tonight!!!!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

He sounds like a really awesome youth leader!!!
The church I went to is like...really, really huge. so huge, nobody knew who I was. lols. The youth pastor was friends with my bro so he said hi to me sometimes. He's tall tho, and I hate when tall people say hi to me. Tall people I don't know, anyways. Like Luke's friend Vitya. Gah.