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28 August 2008

50th Post, Peeps!

Hooray! I gots to 50 posts! :D

And to celebrate, I have some questions that I'm curious to see some of your answers to.
But first...

I was on Blogger at school today. :D I woulda blogged there (I commented on Nonohoicha and netsirK's blogs from there), but the bell rang mid-blog, so I had to quit and move on to my next class. >=[
Oh, well.

And now, those questions I promised. I wanted to do this yesterday, but I left the paper containing these questions at school. Grr.
But they're here now! And here they are:

1. When you dance, you look like ________________.
John James... aka the Spaz man himself. XD That's the best way to describe it.

2. What is your greatest phobia?
Being apart from God for too long. :(

3. What celebrity irritates you the most?
Ahh, that's a toughie... probably Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan... those kinds of girls irritate me to no end. >=[

4. If you owned an enormous yacht, what would you name it?
SS Pete A. Furler. XD

5. If you could ask your nation's president/prime minister ONE question, what would it be??
"Why do you smell like onions?"
XD XD Just kiddin'. I'd NEVER ask anyone a question like that. :p

6. What have you tried in your life that you're simply not good at?
Ice skating.

7. How many minutes does it take you to get ready in the morning?
'Bout 1-5 minutes. Not long.

8. What hobby have you always wanted to pick up?
Playing either guitar or drums. Preferably both.

9. If you were any animal, what would it be?
A wolf. DER!

10. What event or technological breakthrough do you think will revolutionize the future?
The Second Coming. OBVIOUSLY!

11. What do you need more of right now?
God in my life. :( It's very true.

12. If you were a nationality other than your own, what would you choose, and why?
Aussie, cuz I would love that rockin' accent. Plus, the nb come from Aussie. :D

13. What beverage do you find nauseating?
Beer. Ugh, nasty crap.

14. If you were on a desert island, what two books would you want with you?
My Bible and my copy of Shine: Make Them Wonder What You Got.

15. What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone?
Their face. I never forget faces.

16. What is the most common compliment you recieve?
"You have such pretty hair!"
I get that nearly every day.

17. What commercial product would you refuse to endorse?
Anything that'd try and force me strip or do pornography. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18. What is your favorite pet name?
Depends on what you mean by pet name. Feel free to interpret that any way you like. XD

19. What is the best purchase you ever made?
Those black nb drumsticks I got at Kingsfest. :D

20. What word best describes your internet knowledge?
WUNDERBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD

21. What is the biggest indication that someone is a nerd?
When they ask for a high-powered graphing calculator for their birthday.

22. What latest trend simply baffles you?
Heelys. I dunno, I just don't understand those shoes. But that may be because I can't skate.

23. If you were an evil dictator, where would you rule?
The US. Cuz we deserve it.

24. What would you like your nickname to be?
BLUEY!!!!!!! :D :D

25. What song do you keep hearing OVER and OVER again??
I could fill up a whole BLOG with this question. But for right now, I'll say Casting Crowns' "Every Man."

26. What are you most proud of?
The name I call God. :D :D I love it. And don't try asking what it is; it's a well-kept secret. ;)

27. What is the worst name you know?
Er... no comment. :p

28. What do you think is the most repulsive form of music?
Secular Rap. Disgusting!

Those are the questions! Bog (or dig) in! XD



netsirK said...

Cool quiz! It actually asks different questions. Most quizzes seem to ask the same questions.

Happy 50th post!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I'd comment but I gotta go...look at netsirk's post i answered the questions...