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08 August 2008


Hiya, peeps.

What to blog, what to blog...

Oh, yah!
I found this cool vid. I'd embed it here, but embedding this one is forbidden, so stare at it here.

It's hilarious.
Colpa still has his sense of humor. Even as a security guard. And when hitting a golf ball into a lake, strumming a guitar, catching a fish, on the cell phone... the man will do anything.

And, in case you're interested, the song playing in the background is a PC3 song called "Big Boy," as often mentioned in the lyrics played. If you want the album with that song on it, good luck! You'll need it.
See, it's not an American album, it's Aussie. The album has to be imported. Which is annoying, cuz I really, really like that song...


I will once again be absent this weekend. However, if I feel it won't do any damage to what I'm trying to do, I might be on tomorrow. Not making any promises, though.



netsirK said...

I remember you showed that to me a while back. Paul's hilarious!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

*happy dances*
I'm back!