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09 August 2008

Today is... what?

Oh, yes. It's bloggin' time again, ain't it?

Well, here goes.

I have this avvie. I made it awhile back. Can you guess the joke?

Can you see it? Can you? I hope so. It's funneh. That's Peter back in '93. He actually said the words in the little box, too.

If you can't read it, here is what it says...

"Good ol' Aussie sweat, man!!"


That's all for now.


UPDATE-eth: Oh, yah! I just remembered something. I put up a BDay ticker like Nonohoicha. Cuz mine is officially in ONE month. Yay! Here are the other two I made:


CrimeSceneFairy said...

Good ole aussie sweat xD xD
Me and you will party on Pete's bday

StrangelyNormalSteph said...

Gotta love those random NA video bits!
