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13 August 2008

Err... NO TITLE!

Yes. No title.

I think I found my new favorite Peter photo.

Is it not hilarious? XD I think he was talking to/about Duncan. He seems to do random things cuz of Phidu.

Ahem. Anyhow...

Today is Wednesday.
So... you should be able to guess.
Maybe, when I return, I should have a link to our version of THIS skit. If you liked that one, then you will love ours. It rocks. :p

I can't wa-- wait a minute. Jody, what are you doing here?

I thought you'd like some company.

Uh-hunh... Say, have you had any coffee yet? You sound kinda... I dunno, off.

Not very much.

I thought so. Why are you keeping me company when you can simply go out and get yourself some espresso from Starbucks?

When Paul's there?? I don't think so.

Wait, wait... he's STILL taking his order?!


Did he learn nothing from yesterday's outburst?!

I guess not.

Jody, I suggest you find Duncan. This oughtta be fun...




netsirK said...

Cool Pete pic! I'd never seen that 'un before.

I just put a few things together. Jody and Paul both love coffee.
And they both have something in common with Bob Dylan.

Jayde said...


I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment on my blog. I love getting comments.
Same goes for you. I read all of your posts before I made this comment, (im a speed-reader) and every post cracked me up. You are very funny, and you have a great sense of humor. Be sure to check my blog tomorrow, because I am posting the lyrics to the song I wrote about being bored.
Once again, thanks. Take Care!