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22 August 2008

It's Friday...

I know what you're thinking: "Blueh, it's Friday! Shouldn't you be... oh, I dunno... HAPPY?!"

It's true. This is my last free Friday.
But I'm not as happy as I wanna be.
But I should cheer up! Today is Pauly's birthday, after all. :D :D But I'm not. See, if you haven't heard already, my youth group is having a lock-in tonight... I was looking forward to it at the beginning of the week! But Wednesday night, right after youth group... that's when I began having second thoughts. Suffice it to say, I could be happier with Rusty right now.

Well, I could always look on the bright side... like Nonohoicha's doing now... Oh!
I know!
I have a rockin' student ID for my new high school! I gave the little camera a nice, blank stare. Hahaha. Mom says I look like a serial killer. Right, yeah, THAT's what I look like.
I must show you... AS SOON AS WE GET A NEW SCANNER!!


17 days...


CrimeSceneFairy said...

I went to a lock-in once! We called it a Stay-up over. Lols. I had a grand total of 1 friend there, and she left me for like an hour to get a massage. >:-( I wish I could go back and hang out better with different people. They played Toby Mac songs sometimes HEHEHEHEHE
You will have to tell me more of this "Rusty" :D're template is hypnotizing me.

netsirK said...

I hope all goes well for ya! I'll be praying. :)

I wanna see you I.D.! You must get a new scanner soon.