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01 January 2009


Hai, all! Mah first 2009 post-eh!
And how do we celebrate... hmm... how about a rousing game of "Where's Habibi?" XD I'll start out easeh:

See? Easy.
Let's try something slightly harder, though... not by much...

It's like my CCM magazine cover! But there are differences... wow, tMac and RSJ look like they were flirting... O.o

Well, those two were pieces of cake. How about this one?
>:) Yeah. Tell me when you find him. I did. :D



CrimeSceneFairy said...

XD Yap!! I finds him a while ago! :D *hugs habibi *

Kristen said...

They wouldn't flirt with Peter standing over their shoulders. :P

I found Habibbi!

netsirK said...

Happy '09 to you too! Hope you're not too tired. ;)

I found Habibi! How come he's almost always on the far right side? His left, our right, anyway.

*throws bucket of water on Toby and Rebecca*

Acoustichick said...

I found him too...far right like everyone else said. Where ya getting all these CCM pics? Do you get that magazine or something?LOL 2 Owan's comment BTW

Anonymous said...

I founded him I founded him!
YAY for Habibi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!