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02 January 2009

The New Year Lock-In

In all my excitement for the new year, I totally forgot about telling y'all about this lock-in.
So here we go.

When we first got there, we saw this little dog running around the garden inbetween the second and third buildings (I might get a picture sometime. ;) ). I wasn't sure where she came from, but she must've belonged to someone inside because someone was looking for her.
When I went in, the gym was populated. I quickly put my stuff down and filled Hannah in via text about what was happening, and other things. Then I noticed the same dog and learned it belonged to one of our youth leaders; I later learned her name was Lilo.
First off, Rusty pulled us all together and we started group games. First was sack races. That one, I managed to bruise up my big toe and cause half my left foot to be sore for the rest of the night. The spoon game I was grateful to sit on the sidelines for. But then there was the third game -- the four-legged race. I hated the three-legged race as is, so this one was nearly murder; I'm glad I wasn't in the middle. :P
Then we broke apart for the most part. I went upstairs and watched as the rest of them were having problems setting up Rock Band. :P And once they had finally set up, I was just about anywhere. As this was happening, Rusty was everywhere, prodding people about being in the talent show -- including me. And then he said something that shocked me... "You're a good singer."
Verja, whenever you get back, I think we made a breakthrough. However, I'm wondering why it took him this long to notice.
Anyway, soon we were all relocated to the youth room -- in the middle building -- for the talent show. By this point, I was seriously considering being a part of it, and some of the others were urging me to do it, too.
At around midnight, we went out and celebrated the new year with fireworks. Or, to be more accurate, roman candles. Very fun. During all this, I tugged Rusty aside and asked him if it was too late and he said no -- which was good. Of course, we ran out of time and I never got the chance. It hurt, but I did get over it.
When we got back, we ate -- mainly lasagna and hot dogs, both of which I hate. So I had to deal with an empty stomach for a little bit, but I didn't really care.
Then we went back into the youth room for a dance-off. However, I didn't participate. Why? Because Hannah was testing her cellphones, and I answered the first test call. :D It was tough to hear her through most of it, because they were pumping the music pretty loud -- and some of the others were trying to get Lilo to do some tricks nearby; quite loudly, I might add. But it was great.
We talked until the building got eerily silent, and I realized they had went back into the other building. So I hung up and went back as well; after telling Hannah via text that the second call came through, they started the group games. First was an awesome that I think was called "Undercover Christian." 'Twas awesome.
The game involves four "cops." Each one was given a slip of paper -- three say "cop," and one says "undercover Christian." The rest of the people are Christians. It was completeleh dark and we had to find a spot to hide in until the undercover Christan invites us to the "church," a random room in the building. But if we get caught by the cops, we had to go to another random room, deemed as the "jail." We couldn't get out of jail until another Christian came and got us. When all the Christians are in jail, they lose -- if they're all in church, they win.
I had an awesome hiding place that was not discovered at all. :) I was quite proud of myself when I wasn't discovered by two "cops" that came in... >:) but that also meant I knew nothing of where the church was, the status of the other Christians, etc. But one thing where I did have an advantage -- I was one room away from where the jail room was. >:D The Christians that were captured were lamenting about how the others were all already in church. They sent the cops down there to see -- that was my chance. Once the last cop left, I sprinted out and caused a jailbreak. :D :D :D
Sure, I got captured, but we quickly got out and went to the church.... the girl's bathroom. :O Yeah, awkward.
Then we played Sardines. I HATE SARDINES. 'Twas too dark! >:(
Then they played the cop game again -- I was starting to get sleepy, so I stayed in the gym and took photos. :P :P
And THEN we played a game involving running around in a big ol' circle and people were starting to drop like flies. That was when we went into groups of girls and guys -- guys went into the youth room, we went into the nursery.
We had fun in there. We played a little game called "Chubby Bunny." That involves stuffing your face with marshmallows and trying to say the phrase "chubby bunny." Everyone was laughing. Then they played "telephone..." a little game that involves whispering a phrase into a neighbor's ear and seeing how it contorts itself. XD
Then they were playing around and I started nodding off for a few seconds every so often. Then we got ambushed. By the guys. With Silly String. O.O That stuff smells terrible; and there was a lot of it at this lock-in. The rest of the time involved cleaning up and leaving. :( Booie.

'Twas great, all in all. And this be a long, long post. I should find a way to reward you, should you read it all. :)



Brittany November said...

Yeah! I read the whole thing! :-D I'm not sure why you put "Skillet" and "Newsboys" labels on it tho...BTW I luv yer playlist :-D The guitar PC has in that shot is a 1952 les Paul. He used the same one whenever I got to see them! *Woo!*

Kristen said...

I read I read the whole thing but I can't comment right now. Will soon.

Anonymous said...

We played three-legged soccer at Christian Life Week :D that was good fun:P
and Chubby Bunny is an awesome game!!! until someone throws up that is...

netsirK said...

What fun!

That's kewl Rusty came to his senses about your singing. I agree: about time! You must tell us if you enter the talent competition!

You played Underground Church! That's the same thing as Undercover Christians, but apparently it has different names. My youth group plays it too! :D

Chubby Bunny sounds awesome. XD And telephone tis funny!

Darn guys and silly string.

So, not only did I read it all, but I left you a large comment. Do I get a prize? :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:D I read the whole thing! *applauds self *
Sounds like you had a blast. :D Lotsa fun games!!! :D

Kristen said...

Underground Church sounds interesting...something like Capture the Flag. Almost...

So, do you not like lasagna 'cause you don't like it? Or because the Newsboys banned it at one time so you decided you wouldn't like it either? :P I don't really like hotdogs either...

Chubby Bunny sounds fun. :D

Anonymous said...
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