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06 January 2009

The Older I Get...

And before you say a word, this isn't about the Skillet song itself.
It has to do with it, but it's not the main subject.

Let me explain.
In 1993 a certain man by the name of Jody Davis (this is for those who don't know, more accurately Verja. :P) joined the nb and played for ten years. Then, he left due to his horribly sick daughter who nearly died back in 2001.

Everyone thought he was gone for good, especially considering Jody as a person -- as in, he'd rather live a normal life than one in fame.
But once he left, the nb were stuck with their age-old problem that plagued them in their earlier years -- who was going to fill the guitarist position??

First was Bryan Oleson, the lead for a little band recently renamed VOTA. He stayed for three years before leaving, and being replaced by an old friend of Peter's, Paul Colman. We thought he was going to stick around for a while (though that part maybe just me speaking for myself...).

But then... the bomb of news comes.
Paul's leaving. Paul's not gonna be an offical newsboy anymore.

Well, who's his replacement?

No one could have ever guessed. Everyone thought he wasn't coming back.

But he did.
Jody Davis has returned, and his return comes with many, many mixed emotions.

Hence "The Older I Get" as a blog title. See, I've ended up being engulfed in anger over Paul leaving. And why? To be honest, your guess is as good as mine. I used that song to mainly let that anger out.
God's will is something we can't predict. And it's not always pleasant, even when it's meant to be. And this song mainly forced me to accept that Jody was really back. The logic in this may be way off, but it helped.

Who thought that lyrics like this would help in the way that they did? God works in wondrous ways.

And it makes me wonder...

The older I get,
Will I get over it?

It's been way too long for the times we missed,
I didn't know that it would hurt like this,
But I think
The older I get,
Maybe I'll get over it;
It's been way too long for the times we missed,
I can't believe it still hurts like this.

And I have a question for y'all, too.
How are you coping with the news? (for nb fans onleh. :P)



Brittany November said...

It's bittersweet. PC was really nice. But it's more sweet than bitter. Helmet was the best guitarist that band has ever had and nobody could ever replace him.
Stand by for another long blog post. LOL.

That sweet guy said...

your a deep person Miss Scarlet.

Brittany November said...

I actually wasn't thinking about that incident when I captioned that AO photo. LOL! But, yes, I've heard on the internets that they were arrested before. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I cried.
and was depressed for the next 2 days after i found out.
I'm only just starting to go 'YAY Jody's back'
I mean, i love Jody, but the newsboys i went absolutely loopy over had Paul.

Yeah i though he was gonna stay for a while too!

netsirK said...

To be blunt, I'm mostly bummed. :( I'll probably explain why in a blog post IF I EVER GET TO BLOG AGAIN. Why must people stay until 11 at night?

But as the song says, I'll get over it.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I feel left out of bloggy world for some reason. Maybe it's because you didn't comment on my last post. Meanie. :P
I don't think I'll like Jody as much as I like Paul. Paulipops is so much funny!
*loud sniff *
*cries in a corner * Nobody likes my blog...

Brittany November said...

What is wrong with you people?! Do you not remember what the newsboys were like when Jody was with them?! Just in case you started listening to them after Helmet left; I'll tell ya what it was like: It was awesome! *Gives everyone a good hard shake* It's not the end of the world!

Anyways; in response to your comment: Gee Sorry, I just hadn't heard that story before ;)

While I'm here I have a countdown to May 5th on my blog and you(And anyone else who wants it)can click "Get this widget" and put it up on yer blog if you want it. I made it yesterday. Just cut and paste it and put it up on your sidebar (Well, it's kinda wide; so you may want to put it either at the top or bottom) Only 118 more days! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog, Skittles! it be funneh! don't feel lefted out!