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23 February 2009

GOOD... and bad

Oh, hai.

Yesterday started out so good... and ended so bad(ly)...

Let me explain.
Yesterday morning, I went to church. :) But... I didn't attend a church service. How did I do this? I simply stayed in one place for an hour.

And it was the beeeest hour of mah life. :D

I don't regret it... and I don't think I'll forget it, either.

The only downside was, I didn't know when to go out to the car... when the actual service(s) ended... yeah...

And then, when I got home from youth group last night, I went on this website I had really only been on once before... and suddenly, this message pops up about a malware attack. >:( At first, I thought it was nothing and dismissed it.
Then, a different popup comes, essentially saying I can't leave the page (the threat of "unless you want your PC to crash" tends to unnerve me. :P)... and when I click "cancel," immediately, this thing comes up... to install "antivirus." >:(

Hmmph. Well, I went to Hannah (who was already chatting with me at this point) about it... after a few minutes, she called me and I effectively closed Firefox without having my PC crash. XD

And after a few minutes of the runaround (closing an invisible firefox window... firefox is stupid that way, taking forever to realize it's closed), I opened up Firefox again and closed all the pesky windows that said miscellanous things, mainly relating to computer health... 41 infections or something.

So now I'm kinda nervous about turning on my loaned laptop tonight... is it really infected with 41 viruses and the like?
Who knows.



Brittany November said...

I got outta going to church yesterday because I was sick. Course, that doesn't stop MOST of the people who go to church from coming anyways and sharing all their germs >:P *Jerks* LOL!
Dang :-O Sounds intense. Were you ever able to rescue Swampie?

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Boo, computers and invisible firefox windows.
I hope ya get dat straightenedened out. =]

Brittany November said...

LOL! Okay. Poor computer...R.I.P. Swampie!

netsirK said...

Who would've thought staying in the car could've been so fun! But, I am glad you had a good Sunday morning, cuz Sunday mornings are supposed to rock.
But not cool about Swampie. :( That'd freak me out!