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13 February 2009

Friday the 13


Ah, but it's true.
Especially today -- I feel really Friday 13ish. Like I'm sick to my stomach with nervousness; much like Peter after John left.

Things are happening today. Things I don't like. Therefore, I am nerrrvous. Extremely nervous. I hate shy. Shyness is of no use to me! It is of no use to anyone.

So anyway.
I'd rather not go through today, but I have to. The bad terribly outnumbers the good here; I mean, the only good thing out of today is a Skillet CD! Seriously!

I never thought I'd say this... but...




Shep said...

skillet is awesome. what cd did you get? comatose?

Jay said...

Ardebitis again!

Brittany November said...

Be ye not nervous! Skillet-tee-doo is awesome! Friday is awesome! And Jesus loves you! LOL!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Ahhh. We're superstitious now, are we?
Don't hate Fridays, Blueh. You'll hurt their feelings. Plus, they rock. If you're having a bad friday, it's because bad things decided to happen on Friday, not because the world is out to get you only on Fridays....
Sounds ridiculous don't it? :D
Anyways I love friday the 13th. It's my favorite date of the year, if it happens. :)

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Well, hear this: someone I know is turning 13...on Friday the 13th!! I'm gonna make his day scary. And did you know that there are three 'Friday the 13th's this year? Feb. March, and September. I know, cuz I looked up that useless noodle of information.
