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29 July 2008

It's Blogging Time Again...


My friend netsirK and I were talking on the nb message boards, and we came up with this dodgy, yet fun joke...
I was perusing around this page... old newsboys chats... mainly the two AOL sessions at the very bottom... The second AOL chat, I found this...

John James will take ANYONE in table tennis!

And netsirK was looking for a new sig... I had to show her. So I told her about it... and I added a few things...

This is what it looks like..
John James will take ANYONE in table tennis!
PM this user for details.
So, yah. I like it. Will anyone go for it? Probably not. But I thought it'd be pretty fun anyways.
*is at loss*
Oh, yes.
How 'bout that...
Today is Tuesday.
Which means tomorrow is Wednesday.
Which means I have youth group stuff tomorrow.
No, seriously. I'm happy.
I'm gonna be doing techie stuff. Hooray.
No, seriously.
Anyways, our first techie session was just last Wednesday. We didn't really do much, we just kinda kicked back and relaxed while we were taught the ropes of what our class was gonna be like. In fact, our assignment over the week was to get a Google account. So, I guess you could say that that class got me to this blogger. Now netsirK, Phika and I can do stuffs on here...yyyyeah.
So, that's my blog. Uninteresting, I know.

1 comment:

netsirK said...

I thought it was interesting! :D

I really hope someone is curious enough about the sig that they make contact. Alaska fools!

Phika, you, and me are like the Dynamic trio or something.