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15 May 2009

It's a tag...

Oh, hai. I'm just here to perform a tag. Then I shall be on my merry way.

Favourite snack food?
Fritos. Crunchy corn chips of half-healthy goodness! :P

Current location?
North Carolina. :)

Most missed memory?
Last Saturday... pure joy. <3

First thought when waking up?
Wow, that's random... my mind precedes me there.

Fav movie/book quote

"COOL! We get to torture yogurt!"

Role model?
Waaay too numerous to mention.

When I grow up I want?
To, uh... uhh... uhhh.... :P

Shoes you wore today?
My special last-Saturday boots. :)

Fav drink?
Mountain Dew

Generally, in life, what makes you happy?
My friends... my father... the nb, before they scr-- er, I mean had their personnel change...

How well do you handle critiscm?
I'm terrible at it. :(

What would your friends be suprised to know about you?
... I dunno. Social awkwardness? :P

What can you smell?
Air. Oxygen. O2. However you want to call it.

Worried about anything?
I have two big projects due around the same time...

Last thing you bought? Three books in one...

Name three things you are truly thankful for?
My father, my friends, and my trusteh Squizzy.

Three things you are looking forward to?
Reading the O'Malley series.
Seeing the nb hopefully twice.
And seeing my father again, as well as his whole family for the first time. :)

Are you reading anything at the moment?
I'm waiting for the first three installments of said series at the moment. The prequel was great. :P :)

Last song you listened to?
My Friend Jesus, aka the first song where Peter mentions his dog.

If everybody talked like, my friend Jesus,
If everybody loved like, my friend Je-sus,
If everyone forgave like, my friend Jesus...

:) So do it! :)



CrimeSceneFairy said...

'Ai. :)
Torturing yogurt? That sounds familiarish. Is that from Myfbusterz?
Hey! NB still make me happy. How come they ain't makin other certain people happy...
Teh O'Malley series... Ew, mushy!
:) JK. is purty good, especially with *blurred out spoilers *
:D I <3 THAT SONG!!! I started drawing a cartoon to go with it. It is the best cartoon-y song ever, and Pete is easy to draw as a stickman. cuz you dont gotta add hair :) I didn't think to make the dog look like Bull though. Fanks for remindin' me. Hehe.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oh by the way sorry I weren't here to chat yesterday :( I saw your comment but had to go to Grandma's house to hang with people, so I asked Smitty to tell you, and then her computer messed it up, and so yeah. WHEN WILL YOU BE HERE AGAIN HUH HUH HUH?

Brittany November said...

YAY! A blog!!! :-D

Brittany November said...

Oh, and when am we allowed to put your new bog URL on our blogrolls? :/

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