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09 July 2009

T-Minus 20-something posts til #300

To be honest with y'all, I have nothing to blog. So I'ma post random photos with random words and sentences. I hope you like.
It's a firework! From a 7/4 celebration!
But do you notice the :( in it?
Do you?
If you have, then guess who sent the photo to me.
If you haven't, look really hard, then guess. :)

An excerpt from a chat I had with a bloggy friend. Y'all know her. Guess who she is (my apologize to she-whom-you're-guessing, just in case)

And... something I was very grateful for happening...

Can you guess it?
Can ya, can ya, can ya?

It's Dude!
He hath returned from the sparsely-populated Mac Graveyard!
He still freezes, yes, but a lot less than he used to. :D And his battery doesn't spontaneously die anymore! Because he has a new one.
His old one?
That's the back of it. >:) My mother had a ball with what the repair people wrote on it.

Now... comment! :D



netsirK said...

I really have no idea who sent you the fireworks pic. *thinks hard* Still have nothing. :( And I totally didn't notice the frowny face at first either. xD
I bet that's Skittles luhlzing.
Yay Dude! :D

hksmitty said...

:) well that would be your biological father, zazz/skittles whatever she's now calling herself and I know :). I really am glad we managed to improve it for you mate :) and I still want to get the last few problems fixed for you soon. And I remember when you both first saw the back of that battery. Good thing they wrote on it tho ay - else we would all have thought it was the new one. Was an interesting way of putting it tho

guitargirl said...

I think you told me or Netsirk or someone that your Dad sent you that picture.

And I'm guessing...Soul Skittles ;)