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03 July 2009


Smitty left today... to go back home... we're both quite obviously sad, but hopefully we shall be over it soon. :)
Currently, she is on plane, to Charlotta... er, Charlotte... NC... then to Vegas, then to LA, then to NZ. Yes, I had to tell you that. :)

To anyone who hasn't seen/I haven't told yet (*coughnetsirKcough*), Smitty gave me an early birthday present...
Behold, Landrum!

Yes, he's beautiful.
If I haven't already told you, please comment with your reaction. :) This means you, netsirK. ;)
Landrum is an iPod Touch. He is named after Cooper, whose middle name is Landrum. ;) There ya go.
He has 600-something songs on him right now... and three videos... a few photos... and apps and other stuff.

Apparently, I liked Smitty's iPhone enough to warrant me the iPod equivalent! :P

And, uh... that's pretty much it.
And if you haven't commented on the previous post, do so now. :) This means you, Guitargirl. ;)



guitargirl said...


Seriously, that's kewl. I've never owned an ipod. Ever.

And yes, it's me ;) I'm just to lazy to sign in right now and my computer's running out of battery...

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Sadness :( But yes we shall all be over it :) Yay for getting over things
LANDRUM!! Lannnyyy! I didn't know that was his middle name. Keewl. :D

netsirK said...

That's kewel! iPod Touches are so neat, two of me friends have them. Now you can cruise the web at the palm of your hand! Except I hear apps can be expensive-ish.
Oh well, tis awesome! I like the name too. XD

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