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05 June 2009

Mah Planz

Oh, hai.
I'm done with skool nao. :)
But the county doesn't think so, so technically, I'm not finished with school. Well, too bad. I had two exams, and they're over and done with.
I don't have to go back to high school until August, yaaaay!
But... I have to go to a pool parteh on the tenth. I have birthday to celebrate on the eighth. And no, it's not mine. ;) GUESS!

And I have Driver's Ed in July. :O
My car is not ready... it's still the piece of crap like the photos portray.
Darned title issues. I want it. It'll be purty once we're done with it. I don't want it to be junked becuz some dude in Florida won't transfer ownership! >:( Durn-ed government wants to ruin everything.

Have I still got your attention? Good. :)

And one big thing that's been straightened out... next Saturday (not tomorrow, sadly), I see my father again. :D And I see his wife and two of his kids. :D :D
And... I may or may not return with him to the northern side of NC.

I like the idea.
I really, really, really like the idea.
But I'm still thinking about it.
I have a week to decide. :) But the odds are really good. :D :D

Don't worry, the laptop shall cometh with me. As for intranet, I'll have to ask.
I hope they has wireless, like heah. :)

Still got your attention? Excellent. :D

I shall tell you things about my exams, because I'm bored and I have pretty pictures to keep you here. >:)

My first exam was one of World History. I wouldn't have HAD to take it if ol' Spencer (that's my principal, whom we have connections with, since him and mah Methodist-convert parents used to go to the same church he did) had kept his mouth shut about mah teachah exceptioning me from the stupid thing.
And for good reason, I was exceptioned. It was mindlessly easy.
It was filled out in 30 minutes. >:)

The Geo-metry exam, however...
Well, it wasn't so much hard as it was time-consumin'.
Darned calulator and pencil didn't work fast enough for mah taste.
Eighty questions... less than the history one, and it took me four times as long to finish it! >:(

Oh, well.
No more school carp until August.
Sophmore year... writing test... I hope they have a relatively up-to-date topic like they did this year.

Wake up, people, the fire alarm is funny! :D

One more thing, and then we'll be done and you can cleanse your eyes of reading about school.

We're going to Busch Gardens Williamsburg in late June. :D
Both of mah familia shall be there. I can only hope it won't be tense.

I can also hope that Jess goes and my little surprise will be in order. ;) ;)
We'll be there for the nb concert.
I shall try to be brave for Skittles, even if Pete isn't there.
I hope he is.

There, I'm done.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Blech, exams! and government! Yay LOLcat eggs!
Yay your daddy! I hope they hare intarnet too.
blech, i hate mathfs. grawr!
and I'll just be a freshman :(
you old people.
Reealy? You be brave for me? Awww...thank you....well you have to go so you can see Jody and Dunny and Jeffy. i wish i could go wif you.

Brittany November said...

Sounds like you been busy! :-D
Be brave Blueh! I hopes he's there for you! :)

Brittany November said...

Oh and one more thing....

Oh, if you do get to see them, make sure and get lots of Helmet pics...for me ;) Pleeze? He's my fav :)

netsirK said...

Happy summer! :D FREEEEEEDOM!
Ew, driver's ed. :( I hope your poor car will be in shape by then.
I hope you have fun with your dad! I'm sooo happy that you finally got to meet him. :) Tis awesome!
Oooh, concert! That'll be fun even if Peter isn't there I bet. But it would be a little bitter sweet. You'll tell us all about it, right? Pweeeez?