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23 October 2010


*shuffles in*
*coughs into fist*

Uhhh... hi.

WOW, this place is dusty! *sweeps hand across cobwebs* MEEHHHHH! COBWEBS!

*deep breath* Yeah. It's, uh... good to be back in old digs...

What has changed, you ask, besides the blogging right now thing? Well...

I'm a junior in high school. I'm sixteen now, I can drive (I CAN FRIGGIN' DRIVE!!), and Torquie and I go up and down the roads now, terrorizing people with my loud Demon Hunter blasting.

Which leads me into another thing - I'm turning into a Demon Hunter fanatic. It's strange how detracting myself from the nb has driven me into... harder rock. Like metal...

I'm not entirely sure why I'm a Hunter now. Perhaps it's because it's so different from what I had been listening to. Perhaps because it calms my nerves. Perhaps because Ryan Clark's voice rocks. Who knoweth.

I have also changed youth groups and I am quite content where I am in terms of that. My new youth leader is the bomb. And a sweetheart to boot. *cough* anyway.

I leave you with this:

Have fun with that.

CZYA, yo.

1 comment:

guitargirl said...

Why, Blueh!! Your blog! IT'S ALIIIIIIVVVEEEE!!! :D