Alright, I have answers. :)
1. Velveteen - Jody Davis. My goodness, poor Skittles needs to be humored with Jody's amazin' vocals. :D
2. The Feeling - Kutless. Hahahahahahahahaa, no one got this. >:)
3. Stay Strong - nb. Of course. :)
4. Somebody's Watchin' - tMac. Poor Owan. :)
5. Breathe (Benediction) - nb. I made this way too easy. :P
No matter where Paul is, Peter is ALWAYS watching him (sorry about the photo quality :P).
6. Yours to Hold - Skeelet. I think this was too easy, too.
7. Giving It Over - nb. And of course y'all would guess this one.
8. Wire - Third Day. Guitargirl, you are good. :)
9. Good Morning - Phil Joel. Darnit, y'all are good. XD
10. Right Here - Jeremy Camp. Guitargirl always gets what the others can't. :)
Ohmigosh... I can't believe it... Peter is Bigfoot... O.O
11. Shine - nb. This was the HWAG version. And
all of you guessed Shine 2000. XD
12. The Slam - tMac. Another easy one.
13. The Man You Want Me To Be - Phil Joel. Dang, Guitargirl, you are good. :)
14. Liquid - Jars of Clay. Skittles got it right! :) Nice guess there.
15. Real Good Thing - nb. Another freebie.
Peter teaching fans how to wave. XD Silly fans.
16. Whatever She Wants - Jars of Clay. My goodness, no one got this one, not even Guitargirl... >:)
17. Breakfast - nb. Way too easy. Hey, look! They're singing that song in the above photo! XD
18. Scarlet - Jars of Clay. Seriously?? Come on, this is my song! It has the same name I do!!!!! Minus one t. XD
19. Name Above All Names - nb. I had a tough time as to whether I wanted to use this one or not, but I decided to. :)
20. Space Inbetween Us - Building 429. Poor Owan. You'll get it. :)
*backs away slowly*
21. Thrive - nb. Nothing gets past you mates. :)
22. Gone - tMac. Poor Skittles. Unluckily for her, I haven't been able to find my copy of
The Beautiful Letdown.23. Weary - PC3. I knew no one would get it -- this song is on Serious Fun, and only fans like Heather or Steph could have gotten this one.
24. The Great Adventure - Steven Curtis Chapman. Skittles needs more classics in her life. :P
25. Cornelius - nb. Way too easy.
Darn that closed captioning, always distracting the musicians...
26. Homesick - MercyMe. Of course Guitargirl would get the one that the others missed. :P
27. I'm Not Ashamed - nb. Another freebie.
28. Whispers in the Dark - Skeelet. XD Owan actually got this -- just not the artist. :P
29. Rescue - nb. A newsboys song always equals freebie. :)
30. I Can't Do This - Plumb. This song is pretty kewl... and I can't believe Skittles got this. :P
It's the clown faceoff. Which one will win?! Pauly?? Or Dunny?!
31. GO - nb. What else?
32. Savior - Skeelet. The LIVE version! Very fun ending. :D
33. Can't Get Enough - Jody Davis. Gosh, you can get Velveteen, but you can't get Can't Get Enough?? That's kinda sad.
34. Lose My Soul - tMac. This song was amazing live. :)
35. It Is You - nb. This one was cleverly disguised! I am pleased with myself. :)
Pauly won the clown faceoff! Now he's facing the reigning champion... will he win this time?? Or will he be thrown against the wall yet again?! ... oh, what am I thinking? Peter always wins against Pauly. :P
36. More - Matthew West. Haha, no one got this one, either.
37. Wherever We Go - nb. The remix. :)
38. How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin. Goodness, this would be fun to sing replacing "our God" with "my pants." XD
39. Live In Stereo - nb. Toooo easy.
40. For The Sake of the Call - Steven Curtis Chapman. >:) <- nuff said.
"I gotta finish this song... darn those annoying leg cramps!!"
And thus, we end.