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01 September 2008


It's officially September, mates!!!
It's ONE WEEK until Pete's birthday!
And I have 19 days to get his birthday card ready. *GASP!!!!!!!!!!*
But it'll be done, I think. ;)


I'm a little on the sad side...
I'm mad at someone... yet again... and I need to calm down some, so I can apologize... cuz I know it's my fault in the first place.

But that's not all.

Most of you know -- especially netsirK, whom I talked about this subject in-depth with over email -- that my friend Sara died last July. Her family is still mourning, and in a way, so am I... especially when something came up in church yesterday.

See, I've been praying for Rusty's mother as well, who was sick with stage 4 cancer. Her situation was very, very different from Sara's.
First of all, she's older... and this diagnosis is a recurrence, which I might explain later.
Second of all, it was hard to know whether she was a Christian or not.

Which explains why she was spared. The news was given that her cancerous tumor was nowhere to be found.

And I'm happy for Rusty. But... I found myself crying when the news was announced at church yesterday. Maybe I'm not done mourning Sara, and this reminded me of it.

I don't know why I feel like something could be done... that both women could've survived... but that's not the way God planned it, and I need to get that through this thick skull of mine. It just shows how much I'm losing contact with reality...

Oh, well.

End Melancholy Rant.

1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I think...God wanted to give Rusty's more chances...if she's not a Christian...and he was done working with Sara, so He took her home. I dunno, I'm not a theolologist or anything...