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06 September 2008

Title = Nonexistent

I haves some stuff I wanna blog about.

First off, this vid. WARNING -- what you are about view is STAGED, and may freak out some people if they don't know that important piece of information. Such as me at the time I first viewed this (on YouTube), and as a result, I no longer wish to view it. It. Scares. Me.

Then I came across this vid. Ludicrous loves Casting Crowns, but if you want an alternative to their songs "If We Are The Body" and "Does Anybody Hear Her," this is your song. The message to all three songs are nearly identical. ;)

Ok, new subject.

We chatted today (I'm sorry, Verja. I messed up your perfectly good plans. While I will loathe it to no end, I deserve any unflattering and potentially censor-worthy comments you can throw at me), and I learned that Ludicrous doesn't know who Jody Davis is.

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O

YOU mean... to tell ME... you have NO clue... who THIS dude is??:

Well, now you do.

Jody Davis was a well-known newsboy, and the band's first PERMANENT guitarist. Lots of people say (and continue to say) he's the best guitarist the nb EVER had. As for me? I just loved how sweet he was.

When he first joined the band in 1993, he had SUPER LONG hair.

Then, sometime between the Not Ashamed tour and Going Public, he got a buzz-cut during a live show; hence, the nickname "Helmet."

And that was the last we EVER saw of his long-flowing mane. Never seen again. We killed it in action. XD

We fans loved to joke around with the fact that a Jody smile caught on camera is RARE. Photos exist, but they are the same ones.
So what does that mean?
Jody had a sour personality?

As I said, Jody is a sweetheart.
VERY loveable.

And the question I think you are asking...
"Why did Jody leave??"

I was getting to that.

See, on February 13, 2001, Jody Davis welcomed his daughter into the world. Prematurely.
Then comes March.

Peter and Summer's anniversary. Jody's wife, Erica, goes out to get more formula for their daughter, Bethany.
Minutes later, Jody gets a frantic phone call from Erica: Bethany is not breathing.

Everyone immediately gets up and rushes to the hospital, where Bethany survives a brush with death that baffled her doctors.
Bethany got better, but her recovery was very, very slow. She was still quite sick even after all that. Jody spent more and more time with her, and eventually had to leave the newsboys.

Last we fans heard of Jody, he and his wife and daughter moved in with relatives in Arizona. Does he still live there?
Your guess is as good as mine.

But the fact remains: I miss him. Terribly.

And that, Ludicrous, -- and whoever else doesn't know who he is -- is who Jody Davis is.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

But...but...I knows who jody is...:(
Oh well.
HEY look! She took the word verification off!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's really sad that Jody left but the reason is sadder. I hope his baby is doing fine.

He seriously was a great singer, maybe he should do another solo album! :D

netsirK said...

That story never fails to make me sad. :( Jody is so cool! I wanna hear some of his cd some time.