How are y'all today, eh?
Likin' that font?
Yah, so am I. :D
So, now I have this Firefox add-on (in case you didn't figure it out yet, I downloaded Firefox recently. :D)... it tells me what time it is in Adelaide, Aussie... in Ukraine... in Paraguay... and in Alaska! No more checkin' Skype! :P :P
Yeah, I love it. My only issue with Firefox is that IT WON'T PLAY MY MOOSIC ON TEH INTERNET!!! >=[
So I still use Internet Explorer. If I wanna use my myspace or Rhapsody to play a song, or two. So my browser usage... about 95% Firefox and the other 5% is IE. Yah.
Haha, it's already Wednesday in Ukraine and Aussie. Kewl.
I also have multicolored tabs. XD It be kewl, too. On IE, if I did more than two tabs, it would be SUPER slow... on Firefox, I can have 5 tabs up, and it STILL runs like a dream! :D :D
And Firefox also has something called Fireshot... I can make little screenies of a page, or whatever I can view without using the scroller thingy over on the right... yeah. I like it, especially since it's compatible with IE, too. XD
I have a Facebook toolbar... Google toolbar... Smiley Central toolbar... I loves it.
Though I think some of the better add-ons are for the older firefox browsers, which irks me greatly. Oh, well. Family Force 5 makes it all better. XD
Yeah, I've been gettin' into them lately. I still have to listen to 'em a little more, but dude, they ROCK! Like, OUT LOUD. :D
So, I'm a-thinkin' that's it...
What, you didn't see my post? Sorry. It's incognito. XD I stole Kopatopie's bloggy trick. Sorry, I couldn't resist!!
Either I'm blind or your nuts! XD
Bwaha. Me start a trend. xD
I love firefox too. Fastfast!
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