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26 March 2009


Hai, peeps!
Click the caps lock sentence up there.

*ahem* Anyway...
Well, at least we know why Dunny keeps shoving Peter away... it was just a playfight, mate, he didn't mean it! XD
But I have to say... I get it. I see why Pete wants out... and I'm planning on fully honoring his one request - welcome Tait.
Skittles had the right idea all along. Sorreh, Skittles. *hug*

And I did a little math in history class today (XD XD), and I noticed something.
John James sang with the newsboys from 1985 to 1997. And Pete sang between 1997 and 2009. How long are those intervals?
12 years.
Both sang for twelve years.

So what does this mean?
I dunno.
Tait's gonna sing for twelve more years??

I just hope Pete doesn't pull a John James and NEVER SINGS AGAIN. :'( That'd be sad. It's bad enough John doesn't sing anymore... and his voice was fantastic.

Surely, y'all feel the same.
He's like Phil, now - still a newsboy in our hearts. 
Maybe not in Duncan's, but in ours. :)

Let's remember him for things like this:

*pause for gushing*

Who's with me??



Brittany November said...

I'ma still sad :( At least we finally got a statement. Thanks for posting that!

netsirK said...

I'm with Owan xD
Anyways, it's about time! My goodness. Very good letter all in all that Peter wrote us.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Aw, poor Dunny! XD Pete just said it like it was normal...Oh yeah I knocked Duncan out cold once no big deal, mate...
Oo, yay me!! :D :D *hugs Blueh * *hugs self *
I hope Pete does sing more...
When I read the part about he and Summah reachin out to other peeps..I got a crazy idea...what if they became missionaries...wif Europe...and I met them at the conference in 2010? :-O
But that's silly...for a number of reasons.... XD But it's fun to imagine.
*gush *
I'm wif ya!

Brittany November said...

Hehe. I sent you a reply to the picture you sent me. Did you get it? ;)
I WOULD talk about it. But it's your picture and I wouldn't want to steal it from you (And you need to blog anyways ;)) and also, I resolved not to make posts under "Newsboys" until April, 5th (I'm prolly gonna break that resolution though. I'm gonna *Whispers* post a picture of hairy Pete and scare NetsirK again. HAHA!)
I guess this wouldn't be under "newsboys" though. This would be under "A newsboy...and Mike :P" Hehe...

But anyways, yeah...awkward. That's an understatment ;)

catfreak70 said...

Hi, Blueh. I just so happened to trip upon your blog as I looked through the followers of Kiwifruit. I'm a Christian, too, growing. Your blog is cool! :)


P.S. I love your summary-to-read-before-you-post. :)

Jesus Freak94 said...

Waghhhhhh. Man its gonna take me so long to get over Petepete leaving :( :( :(
oh yes, that picture is aDORable!

how long do do think the boards will stay closed for? its killing me!!!