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24 March 2009

Bad News

I might not get my laptop back until Thursday, not tomorrow. :(
Because I forgot to give Staples my power cord (that laptop can't hold a battery charge to save itself... almost literally), and the password to get into the user. >:)

I'll give you a hint - It's Duncan's full name.
And that's the hint.
No, I didn't give it away. >:) You're missing crucial details that I will not reveal to you. >:)

So I am sad. :P
And y'know what else??
They said my laptop had scratches on top of it!! O.o Where did they come from??

Somethings for you.

This... is a bright, shiny school bus.
Normal-looking, right??

Well, here's a photo I took a few minutes later of it (it took a couple tries to get it to look like this):

See? No longer as bright, shiny?
Yeah, that's not supposed to happen.
O Tennenbus, O Tennenbus...

It flashed like a Christmas tree! All of the lights! O.o I wish I had video of it... But my cell doesn't support video. >:(

And some more photos for your enjoyment.



Brittany November said...

Takee Outee!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:( Poor you.
Oooh yah. We don't officially know Dunny's middle we?
but it wouldn't matter anyways because none of us have access to your puter. :P
Woo, chirpus tree! :D
So why didn't the shirt say N J on it? XD

CrimeSceneFairy said...

It might comfort you to knoweth that Glenn Lav is havin computer problems too... *points at his twitter *

CrimeSceneFairy said...
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